Storage Warehouse Storage Tank Storage Room Storage Locker Storage Cell Storage Battery Storage Area Storage Store Store Cheese Store-Bought Storefront Storehouse Storekeeper Storeroom Storey Storied Stork Storm Storm Cellar

Store meaning in Urdu

Store Sentence

Store Synonyms


Store Definitions

1 of 5) Store, Shop : دکان : (noun) a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services.

This is only store in my town.

2 of 5) Store, Hive Away, Lay In, Put In, Salt Away, Stack Away, Stash Away : ذخیرہ کرنا : (verb) keep or lay aside for future use.

Store grain for the winter.
The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn`t eat.

3 of 5) Store, Fund, Stock : ذخیرہ : (noun) a supply of something available for future use.

He brought back a large store of Cuban cigars.

5 of 5) Store, Depot, Entrepot, Storage, Storehouse : گودام, مخزن, گودام کوٹھی : (noun) a depository for goods.

Storehouses were built close to the docks.

Useful Words

Dukkan : دکان , Display Window : سامان بیچنے کی کھڑکی , Hotel Detective : ہوٹل کا خفیہ حفاظتی ملازم , Commissary : خوردہ فروشی کی دکان جہاں سازوسامان فروخت ہوتا ہے جیسے فوجی سازوسامان , Country Store : کریانہ دکان , Case : شیشے کی الماری , Shoplifting : دکان میں چوری کا عمل , Booster : دکان چور , Supply : مہیا کرنا , Cashier : نقدی کی لین دین کرنے والا , Supermarket : کریانے کی ایک بڑی دکان جہاں کریانے کے سامان کے ساتھ اور چیزیں بھی ملتی ہیں , Industry : صنعت و حرفت , Market : بازار , Apothecary's Shop : دواخانہ , Ensile : چارے کو ذخیرہ کرنا , Garage : گیراج میں رکھنا , Bin : ڈبے میں رکھنا , Shoplift : دکان میں چوری کرنا , Hive : جمع کرنا , Center : چوک , Food Market : کریانہ کی دوکان , Clothing Store : مردانہ سامان فروخت کرنے کی جگہ , Perfumery : عطار خانہ , Greengrocery : سبزی کی دکان , Artificial Lake : تالاب , Bottle : بوتل میں رکھنا , Cache : تجوری , Tuck Shop : میٹھائی کی دکان , Retail Merchant : پرچون , Provision : کسی چیز کی فراہمی یا ذخیرہ جیسے کھانا کپڑے وغیرہ , Foodstuff : سودا

Useful Words Definitions

Dukkan: a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services.

Display Window: a window of a store facing onto the street; used to display merchandise for sale in the store.

Hotel Detective: a private detective employed by a hotel or retail store.

Commissary: a retail store that sells equipment and provisions (usually to military personnel).

Country Store: a retail store serving a sparsely populated region; usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise.

Case: a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home.

Shoplifting: the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store.

Booster: a thief who steals goods that are in a store.

Supply: offering goods and services for sale.

Cashier: a person responsible for receiving payments for goods and services (as in a shop or restaurant).

Supermarket: a large self-service grocery store selling groceries and dairy products and household goods.

Industry: the organized action of making of goods and services for sale.

Market: an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up.

Apothecary's Shop: a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold.

Ensile: store in a silo.

Garage: keep or store in a garage.

Bin: store in bins.

Shoplift: steal in a store.

Hive: store, like bees.

Center: mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers; usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area; a modern version of the traditional marketplace.

Food Market: a grocer`s business or store.

Clothing Store: a store where men's clothes are sold.

Perfumery: store where perfumes are sold.

Greengrocery: a greengrocer`s grocery store.

Artificial Lake: lake used to store water for community use.

Bottle: store (liquids or gases) in bottles.

Cache: a secret store of valuables or money.

Tuck Shop: a candy store in Great Britain.

Retail Merchant: a merchant who sells goods at retail.

Provision: a store or supply of something (especially of food or clothing or arms).

Foodstuff: consumer items sold in a grocery store .

Related Words

Bakehouse : بیکری , Bazaar : بازار , Bookshop : کتاب بیچنے کی جگہ , Boutique : ملبوسات فروخت کرنے کی جگہ , Computer : حساب کرنے والا آلہ , Deposit : گودام , Dump : اشیا محفوظ کرنے کی جگہ , Garner : اناج کوٹھی , Computer Hardware : کمپیوٹر کا کوئی آلہ , Fixed Storage : کمپیوٹر کی میموری , Storage Warehouse : گودام , Accumulation : منافع , Seed Stock : بیجوں کا ذخیرہ , Hold On : رکھنا , Accumulate : جمع کرنا

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