سکُون : Sukoon Meaning in English
Sukoon Sentences
Sukoon Synonyms
Sukoon in Detail
1 of 13) چین سکون : Ataraxis Heartsease Peace Peace Of Mind Peacefulness Repose Serenity : (noun) the absence of mental stress or anxiety.
2 of 13) اطمینان سکون : Placidity Quiet Repose Serenity Tranquility Tranquillity : (noun) a disposition free from stress or emotion.
3 of 13) آرام تسکین سکون : Comfort Comfortableness : (noun) a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain.
4 of 13) سکون : Calm Calmness Composure Equanimity : (noun) steadiness of mind under stress.
5 of 13) بے حرکت سکون بے حرکتی : Lifelessness Motionlessness Stillness : (noun) a state of no motion or movement.
6 of 13) آرام چین سکون : Alleviation Assuagement Relief : (noun) the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced.
7 of 13) خاموشی چپ سکون : Quietness Soundlessness : (noun) the property of making no sound.
8 of 13) سکون : Comforted : (satellite adjective) made comfortable or more comfortable in a time of distress.
9 of 13) ضبط نفس اطمینان سکون : Aplomb Assuredness Cool Poise Sang-Froid : (noun) great coolness and composure under strain.
10 of 13) سکون : Stagnancy Stagnation : (noun) inactivity of liquids; being stagnant; standing still; without current or circulation.
11 of 13) آرام کی حالت سکون امن کی حالت : Quietness Quietude Tranquility Tranquillity : (noun) a state of peace and quiet.
12 of 13) سکون خاموشی اطمینان : Quiet Tranquility Tranquillity : (noun) an untroubled state; free from disturbances.
13 of 13) سکون آرام : Ease Relief : (noun) the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress).
Useful Words
عدم موجودگی : Absence : the state of being absent. "He was surprised by the absence of any explanation".
پریشانی : Anxiety : (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic. "Anxiety spreading in society".
مزاج : Disposition : your usual mood. "He has good temperament".
جذبات : Emotion : any strong feeling. "I respect your emotions".
فارغ : Free : not taken up by scheduled activities. "Are you free right now ?".
دماغی : Mental : involving the mind or an intellectual process. "Mental images of happy times".
تاکید کرنا : Accent : to stress, single out as important. "Nowadays mostly people emphasizing on working online from home instead of going out".