Surpliced Surpassing Surpass Surnia Ulula Surname Surmounter Surmountable Surmount Surplus Surplusage Surprint Surprise Surprising Surprisingly Surprisingness Surrender Surrenderer Surreptitious Surreptitiously Surrey

Surplus meaning in Urdu

Surplus Sentence

Surplus cheese distributed to the needy.

Surplus Synonyms


Surplus Definitions

1 of 2) Surplus, Excess, Nimiety, Surplusage : ضرورت سے زیادہ مقدار, فاضل مقدار : (noun) a quantity much larger than is needed.

2 of 2) Surplus, Excess, Extra, Redundant, Spare, Supererogatory, Superfluous, Supernumerary : اضافی, نفل : (satellite adjective) more than is needed, desired, or required.

Useful Words

Overflow : لبریزی , Expand : پھیلانا , Dominate : طاقت میں ہونا , Enough : مناسب تعداد , Lean : تھوڑا , Inaccessibility : غیر موجود , Unwanted : غیر ضروری , Indulge : مزے اڑانا , Embarrassment : فراوانی , Sobriety : پرہیز , Flood : بھر دینا , Beyond Measure : لامحدود , Cautious : محتاط , Exorbitance : گرانی , Critical : اشد ضروری , Fill The Bill : تقاضوں کو پورا کرنا , Accommodate : انتظام کرنا , Accessibility : دستیابی , Unfurnished : بے ساز و سامان , Dispense With : ترک کر دینا , Avoirdupois : موٹا , Budget Deficit : بجٹ خسارا , Over-Refine : بار بار صاف کرنا , Complement : پوری تعداد , Underpayment : ضرورت سے کم ادائیگی یا خرچ , Completeness : تکمیل , Kaliuresis : پیشاب میں پوٹاشیم کا اخراج , Gluttonous : پیٹو , Clog : بھرنا , Coupon : کوپن , Equipment : سازوسامان

Useful Words Definitions

Overflow: the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity.

Expand: become larger in size or volume or quantity.

Dominate: be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance.

Enough: an adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose.

Lean: containing little excess.

Inaccessibility: the quality of not being available when needed.

Unwanted: not wanted; not needed.

Indulge: enjoy to excess.

Embarrassment: extreme excess.

Sobriety: abstaining from excess.

Flood: supply with an excess of.

Beyond Measure: in excess or without limit.

Cautious: avoiding excess.

Exorbitance: excessive excess.

Critical: urgently needed; absolutely necessary.

Fill The Bill: be what is needed or be good enough for what is required.

Accommodate: provide with something desired or needed.

Accessibility: the quality of being at hand when needed.

Unfurnished: not equipped with what is needed especially furniture.

Dispense With: give up what is not strictly needed.

Avoirdupois: excess bodily weight.

Budget Deficit: an excess of expenditures over revenues.

Over-Refine: refine too much or with excess of subtlety.

Complement: number needed to make up a whole force.

Underpayment: a payment smaller than needed or expected.

Completeness: the state of being complete and entire; having everything that is needed.

Kaliuresis: the presence of excess potassium in the urine.

Gluttonous: given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink.

Clog: fill to excess so that function is impaired.

Coupon: a negotiable certificate that can be detached and redeemed as needed.

Equipment: an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service.

Related Words

Overabundance : کثیر تعداد , Unnecessary : غیر ضروری

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