تعاقب کرنا : Taaqub Karna Meaning in English
Taaqub Karna Sentences
Taaqub Karna Synonyms
Taaqub Karna in Detail
1 of 4) پیچھا کرنا تعاقب کرنا : Haunt Stalk : (verb) follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to.
2 of 4) پیچھے لگنا تعاقب کرنا پیچھا کرنا : Chase Chase After Dog Give Chase Go After Tag Tail Track Trail : (verb) go after with the intent to catch.
3 of 4) تعاقب کرنا سراغ لگانا : Hound Hunt Trace : (verb) pursue or chase relentlessly.
4 of 4) تعاقب کرنا : Follow Pursue : (verb) follow in or as if in pursuit.
Useful Words
بعد میں : After : happening at a time subsequent to a reference time. "Keep in touch afterwards".
پکڑلینا : Catch : discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state. "Catch it".
ہمیشہ : Always : without variation or change, in every case. "He has been topping constantly in the university since ages".
پیچھے چلنا : Follow : travel along a certain course. "She is being followed".
جانا : Depart : move away from a place into another direction. "I had to go".
توقع : Aim : an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions. "The purpose of our lives is to follow the commandments of Allah".
دوبارہ ہونا : Recur : happen or occur again. "I tried reinstalling windows but still same error recurring".
بلا تیاری : Ad Lib : without advance preparation. "He spoke ad lib".
خفیہ طور سے : Stealthily : in a stealthy manner. "Stealthily they advanced upstream".