Qabil E BikriFarokht PaziriSifatShan O ShukatHairat AngreziTehseenEhtramUmda TareenTabdeel Honay K...Taghaiyyor PazeeriMan MujiTarangBadalnay Ki Sal...Taghaiyyor PazeeriRang BarangiBadal PaziriTaraqqi PasandiMutaliq AlananiAamBadalnay Ki Halat

تبدیل ہونے کے قابل : Tabdeel Honay Kay Qabil Meaning in English

Tabdeel Honay Kay Qabil in Detail

1) تبدیل ہونے کے قابل تغیر پذیری : Changeability Changeableness : (noun) the quality of being changeable; having a marked tendency to change.


Useful Words

بدلنا : Alter : cause to change; make different; cause a transformation. "He found out on a moonlit night that his kurta was bigger than his actual size, so he gave the kurta to the tailor to alter it".

تبدیل ہونے والا : Changeable : capable of or tending to change in form or quality or nature. "A mutable substance".

نمایاں : Marked : strongly marked; easily noticeable. "Walked with a marked limp".

خوبی : Character : a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something. "What quality does it possess ?".

رجحان : Disposition : an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others. "He had an inclination to give up too easily".

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