Chalti Gari Se ...QatalQatal AamSatyanaasMitaanay Ka AmalBarbaadiTabaahiBartarfiTakleef Se Nija...Insaan Ka QatalGhairat Kay Naa...Ghair Iraadi QatalKisi Khas Shakh...Baap Ya Ma Ka Q...Aap Ki Ma Ka Qa...Biwi Ka Us Kay ...Qatal KarnaGiraanay Ka AmalKhudkushiKhud Kushi Karn...

تکلیف سے نجات دلانے کے لئے قتل کرنا : Takleef Se Nijat Dilanay Kay Liay Qatal Karna Meaning in English

Takleef Se Nijat Dilanay Kay Liay Qatal Karna in Detail

1) تکلیف سے نجات دلانے کے لئے قتل کرنا : Euthanasia Mercy Killing : (noun) the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness).


Useful Words

کام : Act : something that people do or cause to happen. "Whose act is this?".

خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".

مرض : Illness : impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism.

ناقابل علاج : Incurable : incapable of being cured. "An incurable disease".

قتل کرنے کا فعل : Killing : an event that causes someone to die.

درد کے بغیر : Painlessly : without pain. "After the surgery, she could move her arms painlessly".

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

مصیبت زدہ : Suffering : troubled by pain or loss. "Suffering refugees".

Takleef Se Nijat Dilanay Kay Liay Qatal KarnaDetailQuiz
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