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طلاق یافتہ عورت : Talaq Yafta Aurat Meaning in English

Talaq Yafta Aurat in Detail

1) مطلقہ طلاق یافتہ عورت : Divorcee Grass Widow : (noun) a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husband.


Useful Words

طلاق یافتہ : Divorced : of someone whose marriage has been legally dissolved.

شوہر : Hubby : A married man refers to an adult male who has entered into a legally recognized marital union with a spouse. . "Married man sitting in bachelors".

الگ تھلگ : Detached : being or feeling set or kept apart from others. "She felt detached from the group".

عورت : Adult Female : an adult female person (as opposed to a man). "A woman is made to be respected".

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