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تعلّق منقطع کرنا : Taluq Munqata Karna Meaning in English

Taluq Munqata Karna in Detail

1) جدا کرنا الگ کرنا تعلق منقطع کرنا : Disconnect Unplug : (verb) pull the plug of (electrical appliances) and render inoperable.


Useful Words

آلہ : Appliance : a device or control that is very useful for a particular job. "An appliance".

بجلی سے متعلق : Electrical : relating to or concerned with electricity. "An electrical engineer".

ناقابل عمل : Inoperable : not able to perform its normal function.

ڈاٹ : Plug : blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly.

کھینچنا : Pull : apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion. "Pull the rope".

مہیا کرنا : Furnish : give something useful or necessary to. "We provided the room with an electrical heater".

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