HaurryJapani Jeet Ka ...Khushi Ka NaraTali Bajane Ka ...Tali Baja Kar S...ShabashiDadGuzarnamaTareef KarnaHamd O SanaTamam Tareef Al...MubalghaQaseedaMadhChkni Chprei BatenChaplusiKhushamadTamghaKhiraj E TehseenKhiraj E Aqeedat

تعریف کرنا : Tareef Karna Meaning in English

Tareef Karna Synonyms


Tareef Karna in Detail

1 of 8) تعریف کرنا : Congratulations Extolment Kudos Praise : (noun) an expression of approval and commendation.

2 of 8) تعریف کرنا حمد بیان کرنا : Exalt Extol Glorify Laud Proclaim : (verb) praise, glorify, or honor.

3 of 8) تعریف کرنا : Compliment Congratulate : (verb) say something to someone that expresses praise.

4 of 8) تعریف کرنا پسند کرنا : Admire : (verb) look at with admiration.

5 of 8) تعریف کرنا سفارش کرنا : Commend Recommend : (verb) express a good opinion of.

6 of 8) تعریف کرنا : Rave : (noun) an extravagantly enthusiastic review.

7 of 8) تعریف کرنا : Gush Rave : (verb) praise enthusiastically.

8 of 8) معنی واضع کرنا تعریف کرنا : Define : (verb) give a definition for the meaning of a word.

Useful Words

منظوری : Approval : the formal act of approving. "At first the girl`s parents were against co education system but later they gave her approval to study in university".

اعزاز : Citation : an official award (as for bravery or service) usually given as formal public statement.

تاثر : Aspect : the feelings expressed on a person`s face. "Very positive expression".

غیرت : Honor : the quality of being honorable and having a good name. "Sergeant was framed up for a crime by his own people and he said tat yesterday was about honor, today is about justice".

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