Cheeni Shahi Kh...Angrez Shahi Kh...German Shahi Gh...Ek Maroof Germa...Angrez Shahi Gh...Shahi Khandan K...Ahal KalisaEk He Maslak Ko...Tarkish Shahi K...Taduri SaltanatBartanvi Shahi ...Chain Ka Ek Sha...QaumRaay Dhandgan K...EwaanKisi Hukumat Ka...Ewaan NumaendaganNuabadiyati Vir...Dar Al UloomDar Al Amra

ٹرکِش شاہی خاندانِ : Tarkish Shahi Khandan E Meaning in English

Tarkish Shahi Khandan E in Detail

1) ٹرکش شاہی خاندان : Seljuk : (noun) any one of the Turkish dynasties that ruled Asia Minor from the 11th to the 13th centuries; they successfully invaded Byzantium and defended the Holy Land against Crusaders.


Useful Words

گیارہواں : 11th : coming next after the tenth and just before the twelfth in position. "Eleventh Grade official".

تیرہواں : 13th : coming next after the twelfth in position. "13th day of September".

مخالف : Against : Contrary to; opposed to. "This was done against my will".

کوئی : Any : to any degree or extent. "It isn`t any great thing".

براعظم ایشیا : Asia : the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations.

صدی : Century : a period of 100 years.

اصلاح پسند : Crusader : a disputant who advocates reform. "He was a fame reformist".

خاندان شاہی : Dynasty : a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family.

خدائی : Holy : belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power. "Holy Book".

مار گرانا : Down : shoot at and force to come down. "Syria shot down Turkish aircraft".

نابالغ : Minor : not of legal age. "You are still underage".

ایک : 1 : used of a single unit or thing; not two or more. "`ane` is Scottish".

کامیابی سے : Successfully : with success; in a successful manner. "The doctor performed the surgery successfully".

وہ : They : Used to refer two or more people or things. "They that are bound must obey".

ترکی کی زبان : Turkish : a Turkic language spoken by the Turks.

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یہ تمہیں پہلے سوچنا چاہیے تھا