طِیر بَرقِیات : Teer Barqiyat Meaning in English
Teer Barqiyat in Detail
1) طیر برقیات : Avionics : (noun) science and technology of electronic systems and devices for aeronautics and astronautics.
Useful Words
ہوا بازی سے متعلق : Aeronautic : of or pertaining to aeronautics.
خلائی : Astronautic : of or belonging to astronauts or the science of astronautics.
آلہ : Device : an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose. "The device is small enough to wear on your wrist".
برقیات سے متعلق : Electronic : of or relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons. "Electronic devices".
سائنس : Science : a particular branch of scientific knowledge. "The science of genetics".
نظام : System : instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity. "The law is blind in the world No one gets justice In order to change the system, the orders of Allah will have to be enforced".
فنیات : Engineering : the practical application of science to commerce or industry.