Thane Thanatology Thamnophis Sirt... Thallium Thalia Thalassic Thalassemia Thalassaemia Thaneship Thank Thank You Thankful Thankfully Thankfulness Thankless Thankless Wretch Thanks Thanksgiving That Is To Say Thatch

Thaneship meaning in Urdu

Thaneship Definitions

1) Thaneship : جاگیرداری, منصب داری, امارت : (noun) the position of thane.


Useful Words

Cutting Edge : سب سے آگے , Up : بلند , Misplace : غلط جگہ رکھنا , No Confidence Motion : تحریک عدم اعتماد , Librarianship : ناظم کتب خانہ کا عہدہ , Apprenticeship : شاگردی , Messiahship : مسیحا کا مقام , Oppositely : الٹ طور پر , Editorship : مدیر کا منصب , Malposition : بے مقامی , Dislocate : جگہ سے الگ ہونا , Medially : اوسط درجہ پر , Chieftaincy : سرداری , Chair : پروفیسر کا عہدہ , Judgeship : جج کا عہدہ , Studentship : طالب علمی , Mayoralty : منتظم کا عہدہ , Accountantship : منشی , Apostleship : رسالت , Place Upright : اٹھانا , Custodianship : تولیت , Emplace : کسی جگہ رکھنا , Chaplaincy : پادری کا عہدہ , Proctorship : پراکٹر کا منصب , Fill : ملازمت پر رکھنا , Solicitorship : تحویل داری , Controllership : محاسب کا عہدہ , Ahead Of The Game : اعلی مقام پر ہونا , Managership : منتظم کا عہدہ , Curatorship : سرپرستی , Detached : علیحدہ

Useful Words Definitions

Cutting Edge: the position of greatest importance or advancement; the leading position in any movement or field.

Up: being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level.

Misplace: place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position.

No Confidence Motion: This is a statement or vote about a person in a position of responsibility wheather he or she is fit to hold that position or not, usually this vote is used against powerful people or group.

Librarianship: the position of librarian.

Apprenticeship: the position of apprentice.

Messiahship: the position of messiah.

Oppositely: in an opposite position.

Editorship: the position of editor.

Malposition: faulty position.

Dislocate: move out of position.

Medially: in a medial position.

Chieftaincy: the position of chieftain.

Chair: the position of professor.

Judgeship: the position of judge.

Studentship: the position of student.

Mayoralty: the position of mayor.

Accountantship: the position of accountant.

Apostleship: the position of apostle.

Place Upright: put into an upright position.

Custodianship: the position of custodian.

Emplace: put into place or position.

Chaplaincy: the position of chaplain.

Proctorship: the position of proctor.

Fill: appoint someone to (a position or a job).

Solicitorship: the position of solicitor.

Controllership: the position of controller.

Ahead Of The Game: in an advantageous position.

Managership: the position of manager.

Curatorship: the position of curator.

Detached: not fixed in position.

Related Words

Berth : اسامی

یہ تمہیں پہلے سوچنا چاہیے تھا