تھپتھپانا : Thapthapaana Meaning in English
Thapthapaana in Detail
2 of 2) تھپتھپانا ہلکے سے ہاتھ مارنا : Tap Tip : (verb) strike lightly.
Useful Words
آگ لگانا : Ignite : cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat. "Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter".
اچانک دماغ کی رگ کا پھٹ جانا : Apoplexy : a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain. "Mr Qureshi had high blood pressure Doctor advised him to not to eat meat but he ate again and had a stroke".
چھونا : Touch : make physical contact with, come in contact with. "Touch me".