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تحویل تکسیدی عمل : Theveel Takseedi Amal Meaning in English

English Learning Video

Theveel Takseedi Amal in Detail

1) تحویل تکسیدی عمل : Oxidation-Reduction Oxidoreduction Redox : (noun) a reversible chemical reaction in which one reaction is an oxidation and the reverse is a reduction.

English Learning Quiz

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Useful Words

کیمیائی : Chemic : relating to or used in chemistry. "Chemical engineer".

ایک : 1 : used of a single unit or thing; not two or more. "`ane` is Scottish".

ایک کیمیائی رد عمل : Chemical Reaction : (chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others. "There was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water".

تخفیف کرنے کا عمل : Decrease : the act of decreasing or reducing something. "Pakistan Law Enforcement Agencies strived hard in reduction of crime level in Pakistan".

بدل دینا : Change By Reversal : change to the contrary. "The trend was reversed".

پلٹائے جانے کے قابل : Reversible : capable of reversing or being reversed. "Reversible hypertension".

کونسا : Which : interrogatively. "Which matter that was?".

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