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Thyrotropic Hormone meaning in Urdu

Thyrotropic Hormone Synonyms


Thyrotropic Hormone Definitions

Useful Words

Acth : تناو کا ہارمون , Growth Hormone : امامی پیچوایٹری گلینڈ سے خارج ہونے والا نمو کا عامل , Goiter : گلٹی , Acromegalia : ہڈی بڑھنے کی بیماری , Adh : ہائیپو تھیلامس میں بننے والا , Melatonin : ایک قسم کا ضماد جو جلد کے رنگ کو ہلکا کرنے کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے , Thymosin : تھائیمس گلینڈ کے ایپی تھیلیل خلیوں سے اخراج ہونے والا ہارمون , Glucagon : لبلبہ کے آئیلٹس آف لنگرہانز کے الفا خلیوں میں پیدا ہونے والا ہارمون , Hypoparathyroidism : خون میں کیلشیم کی کمی , Masculinise : مردانہ صفات پیدا کرنا , Estriol : حاملہ خواتین کے پیشاب میں موجود اسٹروجن میٹابولائیٹ , Glucocorticoid : ایڈرینل کارٹیکس میں قدرتی طور پر کارٹیسون اور ہائیڈرو کارٹیسون پایا جاتا ہے , Insulin : جسمانی شکر کو کنٹرول کرنے والے ہارمون , Adrenal Cortical Steroid : تناو کا ہارمون , Hcg : حمل کا ہارمون , Hypothyroidism : کلینکل حالات جو تھائرائیڈ ہارمونز کیوجہ سے ہوتے ہیں , Parathormone : پیرا تھائیرائیڈ گلینڈ سے خارج شدہ ہارمون جو ہڈی کے کیلشیم جزو کو کنٹرول کرتا ہے , Hyperthyroidism : گلھڑ کا مرض , Wether : خصی بکرا , Thyroid : گلے کے غدود سے متعلق , Thyroiditis : تھائیرائیڈ گلینڈ کی سوزش , Adenohypophysis : دماغ کا غدود , Addison's Disease : ایک غدود کی بیماری , Forebrain : پیشانی , Stimulant : تحریک پیدا کرنے والا , Head Trip : تفریح , Piquant : تند , Malfunction : خرابی , Adrenocorticotrophic : ہارمون کی تحریک , Bland : بے تکا , Analeptic : عصبی نظام کو ٹھیک کر نے والا

Useful Words Definitions

Acth: a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex.

Growth Hormone: a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland; promotes growth in humans.

Goiter: abnormally enlarged thyroid gland; can result from underproduction or overproduction of hormone or from a deficiency of iodine in the diet.

Acromegalia: enlargement of bones of hands and feet and face; often accompanied by headache and muscle pain and emotional disturbances; caused by overproduction of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland (due to a tumor).

Adh: hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and also by nerve endings in the hypothalamus; affects blood pressure by stimulating capillary muscles and reduces urine flow by affecting reabsorption of water by kidney tubules.

Melatonin: hormone secreted by the pineal gland.

Thymosin: hormone secreted by the thymus; stimulates immunological activity of lymphoid tissue.

Glucagon: a hormone secreted by the pancreas; stimulates increases in blood sugar levels in the blood (thus opposing the action of insulin).

Hypoparathyroidism: inadequate secretion of parathyroid hormone resulting in abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood.

Masculinise: produce virilism in or cause to assume masculine characteristics, as through a hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy.

Estriol: a naturally occurring estrogenic hormone; a synthetic form is used to treat estrogen deficiency.

Glucocorticoid: a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal cortex of animals; affects functioning of gonads and has anti-inflammatory activity.

Insulin: hormone secreted by the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas; regulates storage of glycogen in the liver and accelerates oxidation of sugar in cells.

Adrenal Cortical Steroid: a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex or synthesized; administered as drugs they reduce swelling and decrease the body`s immune response.

Hcg: hormone produced early in pregnancy by the placenta; detection in the urine and serum is the basis for one kind of pregnancy test.

Hypothyroidism: an underactive thyroid gland; a glandular disorder resulting from insufficient production of thyroid hormones.

Parathormone: parathyroid hormone (PTH) is produced and secreted by the parathyroid glands, entering the bloodstream to regulate phosphorus and calcium levels in the body. It also plays a role in neuromuscular excitability and blood clotting.

Hyperthyroidism: an overactive thyroid gland; pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones or the condition resulting from excessive production of thyroid hormones.

Wether: male sheep especially a castrated one, castration is the process of removing the testicles of a male animal, which renders the animal incapable of reproduction and reduces certain hormone-related behaviors. Wethers are commonly raised for meat production or as companion animals. They are generally docile and easier to handle compared to intact rams, making them suitable for various purposes, including grazing, weed control, or as pets.

Thyroid: of or relating to the thyroid gland.

Thyroiditis: inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Adenohypophysis: the anterior lobe of the pituitary body; primarily glandular in nature.

Addison's Disease: a glandular disorder caused by failure of function of the cortex of the adrenal gland and marked by anemia and prostration with brownish skin.

Forebrain: the anterior portion of the brain; the part of the brain that develops from the anterior part of the neural tube.

Stimulant: that stimulates.

Head Trip: an exciting or stimulating experience.

Piquant: engagingly stimulating or provocative.

Malfunction: fail to function or function improperly.

Adrenocorticotrophic: stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex.

Bland: lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting.

Analeptic: stimulating the central nervous system.

Related Words

Endocrine : ہارمون

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