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Trustworthy meaning in Urdu

Trustworthy Sentence

Trustworthy Synonym

Trustworthy Definitions

1 of 2) Trustworthy, Trusty : اعتماد کے قابل : (adjective) worthy of trust or belief.

A trustworthy report.
An experienced and trustworthy traveling companion.


2 of 2) Trustworthy : قابل اعتبار : (satellite adjective) taking responsibility for one's conduct and obligations.

Trustworthy public servants.

Useful Words

Untrustworthy : ناقابل بھروسا , Believability : اعتبار , Brick : مخلص ساتھی , Trusty : جس پر اعتماد کیا جا سکے , Undependable : جس کا بھروسہ نہ ہو , Dependable : پختہ , Sure : معتبر , Responsible : ذمہ دارانہ , Authentic : صحیح , Credit : بھروسہ ہونا , Hindooism : ہندو عقائد , Repose : بھروسہ کرنا , Depend On : کسی پر بھروسہ کرنا , Confidence : بھروسہ , Commit : سونپنا , Perfidiousness : بے وفائی , On Faith : بھروسے اور یقین کے ساتھ , Dependable : کھرا , Notable : قابل قدر , Deserve : مستحق ہونا , Model : کوئی شخص جو مثال یا نمونے کے لئے پیش کیا جائے , Noteworthy : قابل ذکر , Deserving : لائق , Blessed : مقدس , Insignificant : حقیر , Untrue : جہوٹا , Confidingly : بھروسے سے , Creditably : بخوبی , Noticeable : قابل توجہ , Applaudable : قابل تعریف , Comparable To : مترادف

Useful Words Definitions

Untrustworthy: not worthy of trust or belief.

Believability: the quality of being believable or trustworthy.

Brick: a good fellow; helpful and trustworthy.

Trusty: a convict who is considered trustworthy and granted special privileges.

Undependable: not worthy of reliance or trust.

Dependable: worthy of reliance or trust.

Sure: (of persons) worthy of trust or confidence.

Responsible: worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable.

Authentic: conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief.

Credit: have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of.

Hindooism: a body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and based on a caste system; it is characterized by a belief in reincarnation, by a belief in a supreme being of many forms and natures, by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth, and by a desire for liberation from earthly evils.

Repose: to put something (eg trust) in something.

Depend On: put trust in with confidence.

Confidence: a feeling of trust (in someone or something).

Commit: confer a trust upon.

Perfidiousness: betrayal of a trust.

On Faith: with trust and confidence.

Dependable: worthy of being depended on.

Notable: worthy of notice.

Deserve: be worthy or deserving.

Model: someone worthy of imitation.

Noteworthy: worthy of notice.

Deserving: worthy of being treated in a particular way.

Blessed: worthy of worship.

Insignificant: not worthy of notice.

Untrue: not true to an obligation or trust.

Confidingly: with trust; in a trusting manner.

Creditably: to a tolerably worthy extent.

Noticeable: capable or worthy of being perceived.

Applaudable: worthy of high praise.

Comparable To: worthy of comparison; as good as.

Related Words

Honest : ایماندار , Creditworthy : معتبر

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