Turn In meaning in Urdu
Turn In Sentence
Turn In Synonyms
Turn In Definitions
1 of 2) Turn In, Bed, Crawl In, Go To Bed, Go To Sleep, Hit The Hay, Hit The Sack, Kip Down, Retire, Sack Out : سونے جانا : (verb) prepare for sleep.
2 of 2) Turn In, Deliver, Fork Out, Fork Over, Fork Up, Hand Over, Render : حوالے کرنا : (verb) to surrender someone or something to another.
Useful Words
Evert : الٹنا , Aerify : گیس میں بدلنا , Deviate : پھیرنا , Avert : پھیر لینا , Clabber : دودھ کھٹا کرنا , Yellow : زرد ہونا , Caseate : پنیر بننا , Screw : کیل کی طرح موڑنا , Tack : ہوا میں بدلنا , Redden : سرخ ہونا , Deter : روکنا , Green : ہرا رنگ میں بدلنا , Foreswear : چھوڑ دینا , Pivot : پھرکی گھمانا , Make Hay : فائدہ اٹھانا , Automatise : خود کار بنانا , Pigeon-Toed : وہ جس کے پاوں اندر کی طرف مڑے ہوں , White : سفید ہونا , About-Face : پلٹنا , Introvert : اندر کو موڑنا , Atone : توبہ کرنا , Keel Over : اوندھا ہوکر گرنا , Like-Minded : ہم خیال , Acetify : تیزاب بننا , Wear Ship : ہوا سے دور کرلینا , Blush : شرم سے چہرا سرخ ہونا , Go Around : چکر کاٹنا , Deviate : بدل جانا , Deflect : پھرجانا , Starboard : دائیں جانب رخ موڑنا , Replicate : موڑا ہوا
Useful Words Definitions
Evert: turn inside out; turn the inner surface of outward.
Aerify: turn into gas.
Deviate: turn aside; turn away from.
Avert: turn away or aside.
Clabber: turn into curds.
Yellow: turn yellow.
Caseate: turn into cheese.
Screw: turn like a screw.
Tack: turn into the wind.
Redden: turn red or redder.
Deter: turn away from by persuasion.
Green: turn or become green.
Foreswear: turn away from; give up.
Pivot: turn on a pivot.
Make Hay: turn to one`s advantage.
Automatise: turn into an automaton.
Pigeon-Toed: having feet that turn inward.
White: turn white.
About-Face: turn, usually 180 degrees.
Introvert: turn inside.
Atone: turn away from sin or do penitence.
Keel Over: turn over and fall.
Like-Minded: of the same turn of mind.
Acetify: turn acidic.
Wear Ship: turn away from the wind.
Blush: turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame.
Go Around: turn on or around an axis or a center.
Deviate: cause to turn away from a previous or expected course.
Deflect: turn aside and away from an initial or intended course.
Starboard: turn to the right, of helms or rudders.
Replicate: bend or turn backward.
Related Words
Bed Down : بستر پر جانا , Give : پکڑانا , Bail : عارضی طور پر کوئی چیز کسی کے سپرد کرنا
Turn In in Book Titles
The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences.
The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning.
The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory.