Unbearably Unbearable Unbarred Unbar Unbalanced Unbalance Unbacked Unawares Unbeatable Unbecoming Unbecomingness Unbefitting Unbeknown Unbeknownst Unbelief Unbelievable Unbelievably Unbeliever Unbelieving Unbelievingly

Unbeatable meaning in Urdu

Unbeatable Sentence

An unbeatable ball team.

Unbeatable Synonyms


Unbeatable Definitions

1 of 2) Unbeatable : ناقابل شکست : (satellite adjective) hard to defeat.

2 of 2) Unbeatable, Invincible, Unvanquishable : ناقابل شکست : (satellite adjective) incapable of being overcome or subdued.

Useful Words

Invincibly : ناقابل فتح طور پر , Chuck Up The Sponge : دست بردار ہونا , Heartbreaker : معمولی شکست , Pyrene : پھلوں کے اندر پائی جانے والی گٹھلی , Mop Up : کشتی میں مخالفین کو شکست سے دو چار کر دینا , Debacle : مکمل شکست , Demolish : شکست دینا , Rout : شکست فاش , Concede : ہار ماننا , Cheat : جل دینا , Giving Up : ہار مان لینا , Outmaneuver : ماہرانا حکمت عملی سے شکست دینا , Domination : فوقیت , Challenger : حریف , Lost Cause : ناکام کوشش , Upset : غیر متوقع شکست دینا , Wallop : شکست دینا , Outplay : کھیل میں ہرا دینا , Limited War : محدود جنگ , Indomitability : ناقابل شکست , Counterinsurgency : مزحمت کے خلاف عمل , Defeatist : منفی سوچ والا , Whitewash : اسکور کیے بغیر ہارنا , Retreat : فوج کا شکست کے بعد واپس آجانے کا عمل , Blast : زور سے مارنا , Wallop : خوب مارنا , Bash : زور سے مارنا , Dig : محنت کرنا , Asperity : سخت گیری , Harden : سخت تر کر دینا , Abrade : رگڑ نا

Useful Words Definitions

Invincibly: in an invincible manner.

Chuck Up The Sponge: give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat.

Heartbreaker: a narrow defeat or a defeat at the last minute.

Pyrene: the small hard nutlet of a drupe or drupelet; the seed and the hard endocarp that surrounds it.

Mop Up: defeat thoroughly.

Debacle: a sound defeat.

Demolish: defeat soundly.

Rout: an overwhelming defeat.

Concede: acknowledge defeat.

Cheat: defeat someone through trickery or deceit.

Giving Up: a verbal act of admitting defeat.

Outmaneuver: defeat by more skillful maneuvering.

Domination: power to dominate or defeat.

Challenger: the contestant you hope to defeat.

Lost Cause: a defeated cause or a cause for which defeat is inevitable.

Upset: defeat suddenly and unexpectedly.

Wallop: defeat soundly and utterly.

Outplay: excel or defeat in a game.

Limited War: a war whose objective is less than the unconditional defeat of the enemy.

Indomitability: the property being difficult or impossible to defeat.

Counterinsurgency: actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency.

Defeatist: someone who is resigned to defeat without offering positive suggestions.

Whitewash: a defeat in which the losing person or team fails to score.

Retreat: (military) withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position to escape the enemy's superior forces or after a defeat.

Blast: hit hard.

Wallop: hit hard.

Bash: hit hard.

Dig: work hard.

Asperity: something hard to endure.

Harden: become hard or harder.

Abrade: rub hard or scrub.

Related Words

Unconquerable : ناقابل فتح

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