Virtue meaning in Urdu
Virtue Sentences
Virtue Synonyms
Virtue Definitions
1 of 2) Virtue, Merit : نیکی, اچھائی : (noun) any admirable quality or attribute.
He pray five times as he is a man of virtue.
2 of 2) Virtue, Moral Excellence, Virtuousness : تقوی : (noun) the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong.
Virtue is the only excellence.
Useful Words
Corruption : بد کاری , Looseness : آوارگی , Worthy : قابل قدر , Admirability : احترام , Good : شریف , Good : عمدہ , Correspondence : برابری , Contractually : معاہدے کے اعتبار سے , Analytically : تجزیاتی انداز میں , Usualness : عمومیت , Commutability : بدل پذیری , Chic : فیشن والا , Honor : آبرو , Devoutness : پارسائی , Unusualness : انوکھا پن , Admissibility : قبولیت , Piety : خدا ترسی , Surprisingness : اچانک , Legitimacy : قانونی حیثیت , Cheapness : گھٹیا پن , Hard-Bitten : لڑاکو , Godliness : دین داری , Impenetrability : کند ذہنیت , Godlessness : بے دینی , Crinkled : شکن دار , Adamance : ضدی , Dutifulness : فرض شناسی , Warrant Officer : وارنٹ افسر , Impiety : ناپرہیزگاری , Levitation : اپر کی طرف حرکت کرنا , Plutocrat : دولت کی بنیاد پرحکمران شخص
Useful Words Definitions
Corruption: moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles.
Looseness: the quality of movability by virtue of being free from attachment or other restraints.
Worthy: having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable.
Admirability: admirable excellence.
Good: of moral excellence.
Good: moral excellence or admirableness.
Correspondence: similarity by virtue of corresponding.
Contractually: by virtue of a contract.
Analytically: by virtue of analysis.
Usualness: commonness by virtue of not being unusual.
Commutability: exchangeability by virtue of being replaceable.
Chic: elegance by virtue of being fashionable.
Honor: a woman`s virtue or chastity.
Devoutness: piety by virtue of being devout.
Unusualness: uncommonness by virtue of being unusual.
Admissibility: acceptability by virtue of being admissible.
Piety: righteousness by virtue of being pious.
Surprisingness: extraordinariness by virtue of being unexpected.
Legitimacy: lawfulness by virtue of being authorized or in accordance with law.
Cheapness: tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar.
Hard-Bitten: tough and callous by virtue of experience.
Godliness: piety by virtue of being a godly person.
Impenetrability: incomprehensibility by virtue of being too dense to understand.
Godlessness: impiety by virtue of not being a godly person.
Crinkled: uneven by virtue of having wrinkles or waves.
Adamance: resoluteness by virtue of being unyielding and inflexible.
Dutifulness: piety by virtue of devotion to duty.
Warrant Officer: holds rank by virtue of a warrant.
Impiety: unrighteousness by virtue of lacking respect for a god.
Levitation: movement upward in virtue of lightness.
Plutocrat: someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth.
Related Words
Virtue in Book Titles
An Account of Virtue.
Emotional Virtue: A Guide to -Free Relationships.
Virtue and Venom: Catalogs of Women from Antiquity to the Renaissance.
Virtue and Medicine: Explorations in the Character of Medicine.