Visual Image Visual Field Visual Aspect Visual Aphasia Visual Acuity Visual Vista Visitor Visual Perception Visualisation Visualise Visualization Visualize Visually Challe... Visually Impaired Vital Vitaliser Vitality Vitalizer Vitalizing

Visual Perception meaning in Urdu

Visual Perception Synonyms

Visual Perception Definitions

1) Visual Perception, Beholding, Seeing : بصارت : (noun) perception by means of the eyes.


Useful Words

Sight : نظارہ , Visual Image : دماغی عکس جو متشابہ ہوتا ہے بصارتی شعور کے , Apparition : تصوراتی , Insight : بصیرت , Melody : دھن , Aware : واقف , Cognition : شعور , Acousma : آہٹ , Marbles : عقل , Hallucination : غلط تصور کرنے کی ایک دماغی بیماری , Psychic : دماغی , Unconscious : بے ہوش , Phonetics : علم اصوات , Acid : نفسیاتی دوا , Observant : تیز نظر , Analgesic : درد دور کرنے والی دوا , Cast : وضح قطع , Aspect : نظارہ , Chart : چارٹ , Diplopia : دو نظری , Achromaticity : پھیکا پن , Representation : شبیہ , Air Reconnaissance : ہوائی نگرانی , Art : کسی مطبوعے میں شامل تصاویر , Snellen Test : آنکھ کا ٹیسٹ , Telecasting : ٹیلی ویژن , Light : روشنی , Stoplight : ٹریفک بتی , Blind : اندھا , Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope : بصری آلہ , Graph : ترسیم

Useful Words Definitions

Sight: an instance of visual perception.

Visual Image: a mental image that is similar to a visual perception.

Apparition: something existing in perception only.

Insight: clear or deep perception of a situation.

Melody: the perception of pleasant arrangements of musical notes.

Aware: (sometimes followed by `of`) having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception.

Cognition: the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning.

Acousma: illusory auditory perception of strange nonverbal sounds.

Marbles: the basic human power of intelligent thought and perception.

Hallucination: illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder.

Psychic: a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception.

Unconscious: not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead.

Phonetics: the branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysis.

Acid: a street name for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a powerful hallucinogenic drug that alters perception, mood, and thought.

Observant: quick to notice; showing quick and keen perception.

Analgesic: a painkiller is a medication used to relieve pain. It works by blocking the transmission of pain signals or by reducing the perception of pain in the brain.

Cast: the visual appearance of something or someone.

Aspect: the visual percept of a region.

Chart: a visual display of information.

Diplopia: visual impairment in which an object is seen as two objects.

Achromaticity: the visual property of being without chromatic color.

Representation: a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something.

Air Reconnaissance: reconnaissance either by visual observation from the air or through the use of airborne sensors.

Art: photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication.

Snellen Test: a test of visual acuity using a Snellen chart.

Telecasting: broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects.

Light: (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation.

Stoplight: a visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections.

Blind: people who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group.

Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope: electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities.

Graph: a visual representation of the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes.

Related Words

Contrast : امتزاج

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