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وضعِ اسمائے صَوت : Waza E Asmaey Sute Meaning in English

Waza E Asmaey Sute in Detail

1) وضع اسمائے صوت : Onomatopoeia : (noun) using words that imitate the sound they denote.


Useful Words

اظہار کرنا : Announce : make known; make an announcement. "She denoted her feelings clearly on TV".

نقل کرنا : Copy : reproduce someone`s behavior or looks. "She imitates the teacher".

آواز : Sound : the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause. "Voice isn`t getting through".

وہ : They : Used to refer two or more people or things. "They that are bound must obey".

بات : Word : a brief statement. "Take my word".

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