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Wbc meaning in Urdu

Wbc Sentence

WBC in the blood is 4,500 to 11,000 WBCs per microliter (4 5 to 11 0 × 109/L).

Wbc Synonyms


Wbc Definitions

1) Wbc, Leucocyte, Leukocyte, White Blood Cell, White Blood Corpuscle, White Cell, White Corpuscle : خون کا سفید خلیہ : (noun) blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body`s defense system.

Useful Words

Anaemia : خون کی کمی , Diapedesis : بافتوں میں رگوں کی دیواروں میں سے خونی خلیوں کا گزرنا , Erythrocyte : خون کا سرخ جسیمہ , Cancer : سرطان , Agglutinate : آپس میں مل جانا , Blood Profile : خون کی مکمل گنتی , Blood Group : خون کا گروپ , Leucopenia : خون میں سفید خونی ذرات کی کم شدہ تعداد , Heterophil Test : خون کا ٹیسٹ , Blood Clot : خون کا لوتھڑا , Haematogenesis : خون زائی , Abo Blood Group System : انسانی خون کی چار مختلف اقسام , Blood : خون , Pyuria : پیپ دار پیشاب , Arteria : شاہ رگ , Hyperaemia : کسی جگہ میں خون کی زیادتی , Congestion : جکڑن , Haemoglobin : آکسیجن کو خون میں ملانے والا ایک مادہ , Fibrin : میٹرکس جس پر خون جمتا ہے , Stent : ایک مصنوعی نلکی جو آپریشن کے دوران خون کا بہاو جاری رکھتی ہے , Pack : کسی مریض کو چادر یا کمبل میں لپیٹ کر علاج کرنا , Hepatitis C : کالا یرقان درجہ سوم , Spherocyte : گول سرخ خونی خلیہ , A : خون کا گروپ اے , Ab : خون کا گروپ , Macrocyte : خون کا بڑا ہوا خلیہ , Acanthocyte : خراب لال خلیہ , Agglutination Test : خون کی جانچ , Sapraemia : خون کی ایک طرح کی زہر آلودگی , Achromia : جلد کے خلیے نہ ہونا , Hypersplenism : برھی ہوئی تلی کی بڑھی ہوئی ہیمولائیٹک عاملیت

Useful Words Definitions

Anaemia: Anemia is a medical condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the body`s tissues. When the level of hemoglobin or red blood cells falls below the normal range, it can lead to a reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen effectively.

Diapedesis: passage of blood cells (especially white blood cells) through intact capillary walls and into the surrounding tissue.

Erythrocyte: a red blood cell is a mature blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body`s tissues and removes carbon dioxide. It is disc-shaped, lacks a nucleus, and contains hemoglobin, which gives it its red color.

Cancer: any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream.

Agglutinate: clump together; as of bacteria, red blood cells, etc.

Blood Profile: counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in 1 cubic millimeter of blood. A CBC is a routine test used for various medical purposes, including general health screenings, diagnosing medical conditions, and monitoring ongoing treatments.

Blood Group: human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens.

Leucopenia: an abnormal lowering of the white blood cell count.

Heterophil Test: a blood test to detect heterophil antibodies that agglutinate sheep red blood cells; positive result indicates infectious mononucleosis.

Blood Clot: a semisolid mass of coagulated red and white blood cells.

Haematogenesis: the formation of blood cells in the living body (especially in the bone marrow).

Abo Blood Group System: a classification system for the antigens of human blood; used in blood transfusion therapy; four groups are A and B and AB and O.

Blood: the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets.

Pyuria: presence of white blood cells in the urine; symptom of urinary tract infection.

Arteria: a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body.

Hyperaemia: increased blood in an organ or other body part.

Congestion: excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part.

Haemoglobin: a hemoprotein composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteristic color; function primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues.

Fibrin: a white insoluble fibrous protein formed by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen when blood clots; it forms a network that traps red cells and platelets.

Stent: a slender tube inserted inside a tubular body part (as a blood vessel) to provide support during and after surgical anastomosis.

Pack: treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood.

Hepatitis C: a viral hepatitis clinically indistinguishable from hepatitis B but caused by a single-stranded RNA virus; usually transmitted by parenteral means (as injection of an illicit drug or blood transfusion or exposure to blood or blood products).

Spherocyte: an abnormal spherical red blood cell.

A: the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen.

Ab: the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens.

Macrocyte: abnormally large red blood cell (associated with pernicious anemia).

Acanthocyte: an abnormal red blood cell that has thorny projections of protoplasm.

Agglutination Test: a blood test used to identify unknown antigens; blood with the unknown antigen is mixed with a known antibody and whether or not agglutination occurs helps to identify the antigen; used in tissue matching and blood grouping and diagnosis of infections.

Sapraemia: blood poisoning caused by putrefactive bacteria; results from eating putrefied matter.

Achromia: an absence of normal pigmentation especially in the skin (as in albinism) or in red blood cells.

Hypersplenism: enlarged spleen and a decrease in one or more types of blood cells; associated with many disorders.

Related Words

Basophil : خلیہ , Neutrophil : کئی شکلی مرکزائی لیوکوسائیٹ کی ایک قسم
