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Wood Anemone meaning in Urdu

Wood Anemone Synonyms

Wood Anemone Definitions

1) Wood Anemone, Anemone Quinquefolia, Snowdrop : گل حسرت : (noun) common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers.


Useful Words

Actinia : سرخ سمندری کیڑا , Zoophyte : حیوانی پودہ , Pasque Flower : ایک قسم کا پہول , Aster Cordifolius : ایسٹر پھول کا پودا , Cypripedium Acaule : ایک قسم کا پہول , Deer Grass : گلابی امریکی پودا , Sassafras : پیلے رنگ کا درخت , Common Snowberry : سفید بیری , Boneset : گلابی یا اودے پھولوں والی بوٹی , Bachelor's Button : نیلے ، سفید ، گلابی پھولوں والا ایک پودا , Comptonia Asplenifolia : میٹھی امریکی بوٹی , Cercis Canadensis : پھلی دار درختوں میں سے ایک چھوٹا درخت , Acer Saccharinum : چاندی میپل , Camelia : ایک قسم کی جھاڑی یا سدا بہار پودا جس کے سفید اور گلابی رنگ کے پھولوں ہوتے ہیں , Common Four-O'clock : رنگ برنگی پھولوں والا امریکی پودا , Elk-Wood : چھتری درخت , Canada Moonseed : بزر القمر , Gleditsia Triacanthos : کانٹے دار امریکی پودا , Acer Saccharum : شکر میپل , Indian Lotus : کنول کا پھول , Poplar : ہلکی نرم لکڑی والا درخت , Arere : مغربی مغربی کا ایک درخت , Arbutus Menziesii : ایک قسم کی سدابہار جھاڑی , Horseshoe Crab : ڈنگ والا کیکڑا , Aster Novi-Belgii : ضیافت میکائیل کے دنوں میں کھلنے والے تارا پھولوں کی کوئی بھی قسم , Common Evening Primrose : گل شام , Aster Ericoides : تارے نما پھولوں والا امریکی پودا , Sea Ash : پیلے پھولوں والا ایک چھوٹا درخت , Ambrosia Artemisiifolia : چولائی جیسا پودا , Clintonia Borealis : نیلی بوندی والا پودا , Veneer : پلائی وڈ

Useful Words Definitions

Actinia: a genus of sea anemone common in rock pools.

Zoophyte: any of various invertebrate animals resembling a plant such as a sea anemone or coral or sponge.

Pasque Flower: any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone.

Aster Cordifolius: perennial wood aster of eastern North America.

Cypripedium Acaule: once common rose pink woodland orchid of eastern North America.

Deer Grass: any of several plants of the genus Rhexia usually having pink-purple to magenta flowers; eastern North America.

Sassafras: yellowwood tree with brittle wood and aromatic leaves and bark; source of sassafras oil; widely distributed in eastern North America.

Common Snowberry: deciduous shrub of western North America having spikes of pink flowers followed by round white berries.

Boneset: European herb having small white, pink or purple flowers; naturalized as a weed in North America.

Bachelor's Button: an annual Eurasian plant cultivated in North America having showy heads of blue or purple or pink or white flowers.

Comptonia Asplenifolia: deciduous shrub of eastern North America with sweet scented fernlike leaves and tiny white flowers.

Cercis Canadensis: small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Judas tree having usually pink flowers; found in damp sheltered underwood.

Acer Saccharinum: a common North American maple tree; five-lobed leaves are light green above and silvery white beneath; source of hard close-grained but brittle light-brown wood.

Camelia: any of several shrubs or small evergreen trees having solitary white or pink or reddish flowers.

Common Four-O'clock: common garden plant of North America having fragrant red or purple or yellow or white flowers that open in late afternoon.

Elk-Wood: small deciduous tree of eastern North America having creamy white flowers and large leaves in formations like umbrellas at the ends of branches.

Canada Moonseed: a woody vine of eastern North America having large oval leaves and small white flowers and purple to blue-black fruits.

Gleditsia Triacanthos: tall usually spiny North American tree having small greenish-white flowers in drooping racemes followed by long twisting seed pods; yields very hard durable reddish-brown wood; introduced to temperate Old World.

Acer Saccharum: maple of eastern and central North America having three-lobed to five-lobed leaves and hard close-grained wood much used for cabinet work especially the curly-grained form; sap is chief source of maple syrup and maple sugar; many subspecies.

Indian Lotus: native to eastern Asia; widely cultivated for its large pink or white flowers.

Poplar: any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins.

Arere: large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood.

Arbutus Menziesii: evergreen tree of the Pacific coast of North America having glossy leathery leaves and orange-red edible berries; wood used for furniture and bark for tanning.

Horseshoe Crab: large marine arthropod of the Atlantic coast of North America having a domed carapace that is shaped like a horseshoe and a stiff pointed tail; a living fossil related to the wood louse.

Aster Novi-Belgii: North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe.

Common Evening Primrose: a coarse biennial of eastern North America with yellow flowers that open in the evening; naturalized in Europe.

Aster Ericoides: common much-branched North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small starry white flowers.

Sea Ash: small deciduous aromatic shrub (or tree) having spiny branches and yellowish flowers; eastern North America.

Ambrosia Artemisiifolia: annual weed with finely divided foliage and spikes of green flowers; common in North America; introduced elsewhere accidentally.

Clintonia Borealis: common woodland herb of temperate North America having yellow nodding flowers and small round blue fruits.

Veneer: coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood.

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