Wood Pussy meaning in Urdu
Wood Pussy Synonyms
Wood Pussy Definitions
1) Wood Pussy, Polecat, Skunk : شمالی امریکا کے میمل جانور : (noun) American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae.
Useful Words
Glutton : ریچ جیسا جانور , Ailuropoda Melanoleuca : ایک قسم کا جانور , Veneer : پلائی وڈ , Yew : درخت صنوبر , Dendroica Petechia : امریکا کا ایک چھوٹا سا زرد پرندہ , Maple : ایک قسم کا درخت یا جھاڑی , Supplejack : سیر کی چھڑی , Genus Protium : ایٹمی جوہری کمیت کا عام ہائیڈروجنی ہم جا , Cedar : دیار کی لکڑی , Civet : مشک بلاوٴ , Basket Ash : امریکی درخت , Acer Saccharinum : چاندی میپل , Butternut : شمال امریکہ میں پایا جانے والا اخروٹ کا درخت , Gleditsia Triacanthos : کانٹے دار امریکی پودا , Ailuropoda : بڑا پانڈا , Sawyer : لکڑی چیرنے والا ملازم , Firewood : آگ جلانے والی لکڑی , Split : شگاف , Woody : لکڑی جیسا , Lignify : لکڑی میں تبدیل کرنا , Pecan : پیکن درخت کی لکڑی , Splint : کھپچیاں , Carpenter's Saw : ایک ہاتھ سے چلنے والا آرا , Brand : جلتا ہوا لکڑی کا ٹکڑا , Gum : گوند والی لکڑی , Brown : بہورا سا , Power Saw : لکڑی کاٹنے کا اوزار , Stick : چھڑی , Laminate : قتلے کرنا , Slat : لمبی پتلی سی لکڑی کی پتری , Buck : گھوڑی آرا
Useful Words Definitions
Glutton: musteline mammal found in northern Eurasia.
Ailuropoda Melanoleuca: large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae.
Veneer: coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood.
Yew: wood of a yew; especially the durable fine-grained light brown or red wood of the English yew valued for cabinetwork and archery bows.
Dendroica Petechia: yellow-throated American wood warbler.
Maple: wood of any of various maple trees; especially the hard close-grained wood of the sugar maple; used especially for furniture and flooring.
Supplejack: walking stick made from the wood of an American tropical vine.
Genus Protium: genus of chiefly tropical American trees having fragrant wood and yielding gum elemi.
Cedar: durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chests.
Civet: cat-like mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes.
Basket Ash: vigorous spreading North American tree having dark brown heavy wood; leaves turn gold in autumn.
Acer Saccharinum: a common North American maple tree; five-lobed leaves are light green above and silvery white beneath; source of hard close-grained but brittle light-brown wood.
Butternut: North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light-brown dye.
Gleditsia Triacanthos: tall usually spiny North American tree having small greenish-white flowers in drooping racemes followed by long twisting seed pods; yields very hard durable reddish-brown wood; introduced to temperate Old World.
Ailuropoda: only the giant panda: in some classifications considered a genus of the separate family Ailuropodidae.
Sawyer: one who is employed to saw wood.
Firewood: wood used for fuel.
Split: a lengthwise crack in wood.
Woody: made of or containing or resembling wood.
Lignify: convert into wood or cause to become woody.
Pecan: wood of a pecan tree.
Splint: a thin sliver of wood.
Carpenter's Saw: a saw used with one hand for cutting wood.
Brand: a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning.
Gum: wood or lumber from any of various gum trees especially the sweet gum.
Brown: of a color similar to that of wood or earth.
Power Saw: a power tool for cutting wood.
Stick: an implement consisting of a length of wood.
Laminate: split (wood) into thin sheets.
Slat: a thin strip (wood or metal).
Buck: a framework for holding wood that is being sawed.
Related Words
Hooded Skunk : امریکا کا جنوبی حصہ , Badger Skunk : گلہرے جیسا جانور