ظاہِر کرنے والا : Zahir Karnay Wala Meaning in English
Zahir Karnay Wala in Detail
1) ظاہر کرنے والا علامت اشارہ : Indicant Indication : (noun) something that serves to indicate or suggest.
Useful Words
ظاہر کرنا : Bespeak : be a signal for or a symptom of. "These symptoms indicate a serious illness".
غلام : Helot : (Middle Ages) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord.
کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".
تجویز دینا : Advise : make a proposal, declare a plan for something. "The senator proposed to abolish the sales tax".