Awaz Ki Raftaro...Sadai Leharoun KaAn SunaBe SamaatBalasootiSansoun Se KehnaJo Suna Na Ja S...Suti Raftar Se ...Zair SutiAwaz Ki Raftar ...Saz GarMawafiqMustanadTaslem Shuda Ejazat YaftaManzoor ShudaMuqadasGhair MustanadNajaizBe Sanad

زیر صُوتی : Zair Suti Meaning in English

Zair Suti in Detail

1) زیر صوتی : Subsonic : (adjective) (of speed) less than that of sound in a designated medium.


Useful Words

کم : Less : (comparative of `little' usually used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree. "Of less importance".

اوسط : Average : around the middle of a scale of evaluation. "An orange of average size".

آواز : Sound : the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause. "Voice isn`t getting through".

تیزی سے چلنا : Belt Along : move fast. "Rush towards Allah".

سے : Than : Used for comparison. "She is a better than I".

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