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زناٹا : Zannata Meaning in English

Zannata in Detail

1) زناٹا کسی چیز کی انتہائی تیزی سے گزرنے کی آواز : Zing : (noun) a brief high-pitched buzzing or humming sound.


Useful Words

خاص معلومات دینا : Brief : give essential information to someone. "The reporters were briefed about the President's plan to invade".

بھنبھنانا : Abuzz : noisy like the sound of a bee. "Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear bothers me a lot".

زیادہ : High : a lofty level or position or degree. "You are bidding high".

بھنبھنانے جیسی آواز : Hum : a humming noise. "The hum of distant traffic".

آواز : Sound : the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause. "Voice isn`t getting through".

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