ذلت آمیز : Zillat Aamez Meaning in English
Zillat Aamez Synonyms
Zillat Aamez in Detail
1 of 4) ذلت آمیز حقارت آمیز : Contemptuous Disdainful Insulting Scornful : (satellite adjective) expressing extreme contempt.
2 of 4) ذلت آمیز شرمناک رسوا کن : Dishonorable Dishonourable : (adjective) lacking honor or integrity; deserving dishonor.
3 of 4) ذلت آمیز شرمناک : Black Disgraceful Ignominious Inglorious Opprobrious Shameful : (satellite adjective) (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame.
4 of 4) مخاصمانہ توہین آمیز ذلت آمیز : Calumniatory Calumnious Defamatory Denigrating Denigrative Denigratory Libellous Libelous Slanderous : (satellite adjective) (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign.
Useful Words
حقارت : Contempt : lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike. "He was held in contempt".
لائق : Deserving : worthy of being treated in a particular way. "An idea worth considering".
رسوا کروانا : Attaint : bring shame or dishonor upon. "You put me to dishonor".
نہایت : Extreme : of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity. "Extreme cold".
غیرت : Honor : the quality of being honorable and having a good name. "Sergeant was framed up for a crime by his own people and he said tat yesterday was about honor, today is about justice".
اتحاد : Integrity : an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. "The integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development".
کم : Deficient : inadequate in amount or degree. "A deficient education".