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ظُلمت : Zulmat Meaning in English

Zulmat in Detail

1) ظلمت : Cimmerian : (satellite adjective) intensely dark and gloomy as with perpetual darkness.


Useful Words

میٹر کا دس ارب واں حصہ : A : a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.

رات : Dark : the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside. Dark and nighttime these are synonyms of night, related words of night is evening and period. "Night Prayer is very important".

سیاہ فامی : Darkness : a swarthy complexion.

تاریک : Gloomful : depressingly dark. "The gloomy forest".

شدت سے : Intensely : in an intense manner. "He worked intensely".

دائمی : Aeonian : continuing forever or indefinitely. "Everlasting life".

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