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'hood meaning in Urdu

'hood Synonym

'hood Definitions

1) 'hood, 'hood : پڑوسی : (noun) (slang) a neighborhood.

Useful Words

Cowled : کلہ دار , Capote : ٹوپی والا لبادہ , Hood Ornament : کارساز کمپنی کا نشان , Capote : عبایہ , Cowl : کلہ دار عبا , Gig : تانگہ , Duffel Coat : ٹوپی دار گرم لمبا کوٹ , Cab : بگھی , Cobra : کوبرا سانپ , Coif : ٹوپی , Hooded Pitcher Plant : پیلے پھول والا امریکی پودا , Homeboy : علاقے کا دوست , Local : مقامی جگہ سے متعلق , Active Citizen : متحرک شہری , Locality : محلہ

Useful Words Definitions

Cowled: having the head enclosed in a cowl or hood.

Capote: a long overcoat with a hood that can be pulled over the head.

Hood Ornament: an ornament on the front of the hood of a car emblematic of the manufacturer.

Capote: a long cloak with a hood that can be pulled over the head.

Cowl: a loose hood or hooded robe (as worn by a monk).

Gig: small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; with two seats and no hood.

Duffel Coat: a warm coat made of duffel; usually has a hood and fastens with toggles.

Cab: small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; with two seats and a folding hood.

Cobra: venomous Asiatic and African elapid snakes that can expand the skin of the neck into a hood.

Coif: a skullcap worn by nuns under a veil or by soldiers under a hood of mail or formerly by British sergeants-at-law.

Hooded Pitcher Plant: yellow-flowered pitcher plant of southeastern United States having trumpet-shaped leaves with the orifice covered with an arched hood.

Homeboy: a male friend from your neighborhood or hometown.

Local: of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood.

Active Citizen: a citizen who takes an active role in the community (as in crime prevention and neighborhood watch).

Locality: a surrounding or nearby region.
