Animalize Animalization Animality Animalism Animalise Animalisation Animalculum Animalcule Animate Animate Being Animated Animated Cartoon Animatedly Animating Animation Animator Anime Animise Animism Animize

Animate meaning in Urdu

Animate Sentence

Animated cartoons.

Animate Synonyms


Animate Definitions

1 of 4) Animate, Enliven, Exalt, Inspire, Invigorate : جان ڈالنا : (verb) heighten or intensify.

2 of 4) Animate, Animise, Animize : متحرک کرنا : (verb) give lifelike qualities to.

Useful Words

Agent : فاعل , Awe : متاثر کرنا , Deify : دیوتا ٹھہرانا , Improbable : جس پر یقین کرنا مشکل ہو , Assurance : یقین دہانی , Encourage : امید دلانا , Augment : بڑھنا , Break Open : پھوٹ پڑنا , Megaphone : آواز بلند کرنے والا آلہ , Escalate : شدت بڑھانا , Intensifier : شدت کا حامل , Afford : دینا , Heighten : زیادہ ہونا , Deepen : بڑھانا , Character : خوبی

Useful Words Definitions

Agent: the semantic role of the animate entity that instigates or causes the happening denoted by the verb in the clause.

Awe: inspire awe in.

Deify: exalt to the position of a God.

Improbable: having a probability too low to inspire belief.

Assurance: a statement intended to inspire confidence.

Encourage: inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to.

Augment: grow or intensify.

Break Open: erupt or intensify suddenly.

Megaphone: a cone-shaped acoustic device held to the mouth to intensify and direct the human voice.

Escalate: increase, intensify or raise something, often a conflict or situation, to a higher level of severity, intensity, or importance, typically through progressive or successive stages.

Intensifier: a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies.

Afford: be the cause or source of.

Heighten: become more extreme.

Deepen: become more intense.

Character: a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something.

Related Words

Arouse : چست کردینا , Come To : ہوش میں آنا , Alter : بدلنا , Ginger Up : مزید دلچسپ اور پرجوش بنانا , Inspirit : جان ڈالنا , Excite : جھنجھوڑ کر رکھ دینا

Animate in Book Titles

Adobe Edge Animate Classroom in a Book.
Nature of the animate world.
Adobe Edge Animate Preview 7: The Missing Manual.

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