Animate meaning in Urdu
Animate Sentence
Animate Synonyms
Animate Definitions
2 of 4) Animate, Animise, Animize : متحرک کرنا : (verb) give lifelike qualities to.
3 of 4) Animate, Enliven, Invigorate, Liven, Liven Up : جان ڈالنا, بیدار کرنا : (verb) make lively.
4 of 4) Animate, Quicken, Reanimate, Recreate, Renovate, Repair, Revive, Revivify, Vivify : توانا کرنا, تقوبت بخشنا, دوبارہ زندہ کرنا : (verb) give new life or energy to.
Useful Words
Agent : فاعل , Awe : متاثر کرنا , Deify : دیوتا ٹھہرانا , Improbable : جس پر یقین کرنا مشکل ہو , Assurance : یقین دہانی , Encourage : امید دلانا , Augment : بڑھنا , Break Open : پھوٹ پڑنا , Megaphone : آواز بلند کرنے والا آلہ , Escalate : شدت بڑھانا , Intensifier : شدت کا حامل , Afford : دینا , Heighten : زیادہ ہونا , Deepen : بڑھانا , Character : خوبی
Useful Words Definitions
Agent: the semantic role of the animate entity that instigates or causes the happening denoted by the verb in the clause.
Awe: inspire awe in.
Deify: exalt to the position of a God.
Improbable: having a probability too low to inspire belief.
Assurance: a statement intended to inspire confidence.
Encourage: inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to.
Augment: grow or intensify.
Break Open: erupt or intensify suddenly.
Megaphone: a cone-shaped acoustic device held to the mouth to intensify and direct the human voice.
Escalate: increase, intensify or raise something, often a conflict or situation, to a higher level of severity, intensity, or importance, typically through progressive or successive stages.
Intensifier: a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies.
Afford: be the cause or source of.
Heighten: become more extreme.
Deepen: become more intense.
Character: a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something.
Related Words
Arouse : چست کردینا , Come To : ہوش میں آنا , Alter : بدلنا , Ginger Up : مزید دلچسپ اور پرجوش بنانا , Inspirit : جان ڈالنا , Excite : جھنجھوڑ کر رکھ دینا
Animate in Book Titles
Adobe Edge Animate Classroom in a Book.
Nature of the animate world.
Adobe Edge Animate Preview 7: The Missing Manual.