Appeasable Appearing Appearance Appear Appealingness Appealing Appealable Appeal Appease Appeasement Appellant Appellate Appellation Appellative Append Appendage Appendant Appendicitis Appendicular Appendix

Appease meaning in Urdu

Appease Sentence

Appease the child.

Appease Synonyms


Appease Definitions

1 of 3) Appease, Assuage, Conciliate, Gentle, Gruntle, Lenify, Mollify, Pacify, Placate : منانا : (verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of.

2 of 3) Appease, Propitiate : بہلانا, منانا, غصے دور کرنا : (verb) make peace with.

3 of 3) Appease, Quell, Stay : دبانا : (verb) overcome or allay.

Useful Words

Bamboozle : چکمہ دینا , Logrolling : سودے بازی , Good : اچھا ہونا , Algarroba : خرنوب , Accept : ماننا , Incline : راضی ہونا , Gently : نرمی سے , Extremely : نہایت , Accept : ماننا , Benignancy : مشفقانہ انداز , Pat : تھپکی کی آواز , Morality : اخلاقیات , Good : اچھا , Gentleness : شرافت , Blarney : میٹھی باتیں کرکے راضی کرلینا , Pony : چھوٹا گھوڑا , Undulation : لہریا صورت میں حرکت کا عمل , Cranberry : سرخ گوندنی , Man Of Action : وہ شخص جو کام پہلے کرے اور سوچے بعد میں , Clubable : ملنے والا , Willing : چاہنے والا , Sneezy : چھینک زدہ , Unquestioning : بے حجت , Compliant : فرمانبردار , Peace-Loving : امن پسند , Acceptive : قبول کرنے پر آمادہ , Amative : عاشق مزاج , Inclination : رجحان , Unsociable : غیر معاشری , Favorable : دوستانہ , Unassertive : شرمیلا

Useful Words Definitions

Bamboozle: conceal one`s true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end.

Logrolling: act of exchanging favors for mutual gain; especially trading of influence or votes among legislators to gain passage of certain projects.

Good: resulting favorably.

Algarroba: long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute.

Locust bean benefits : Good source of protein and vitamins, reduces the risk of cancer, can control diabetes, good for heart health, boost energy levels, good for weight loss. .

Accept: react favorably to; consider right and proper.

Incline: feel favorably disposed or willing.

Gently: in a gentle manner.

Extremely: to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect.

Accept: give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to.

Benignancy: the quality of being kind and gentle.

Pat: the sound made by a gentle blow.

Morality: concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct.

Good: (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good` is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well`).

Gentleness: acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered.

Blarney: influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering.

Pony: any of various breeds of small gentle horses usually less than five feet high at the shoulder.

Undulation: wavelike motion; a gentle rising and falling in the manner of waves.

Cranberry: very tart red berry used for sauce or juice.

Cranberry benefits : cranberry good for urine infection and UTI, cranberry good for kidneys, cranberry sachet in used in bladder infections.

Man Of Action: someone inclined to act first and think later.

Clubable: inclined to club together.

Willing: disposed or inclined toward.

Sneezy: inclined to sneeze.

Unquestioning: not inclined to ask questions.

Compliant: inclined or willing to abide by.

Peace-Loving: inclined or disposed to peace.

Acceptive: inclined to accept rather than reject.

Amative: inclined toward or displaying love.

Inclination: that toward which you are inclined to feel a liking.

Unsociable: not inclined to society or companionship.

Favorable: inclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile.

Unassertive: inclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence.

Related Words

Conciliate : متفق ہو جانا , Fill : پورا ہونا , Calm : ساکن کرنا

Appease in Book Titles

Republic of China`s Viewpoint on Fallacies to Appease Chinese Communists.
