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Attractive meaning in Urdu

Attractive Sentences

A remarkably attractive young man.
An attractive opportunity.

Attractive Definitions

1 of 2) Attractive : دل کش, کشش رکھنے والا : (adjective) pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm.

An attractive personality.
Attractive clothes.+ More


2 of 2) Attractive : پر کشش : (satellite adjective) having power to arouse interest.

The job is attractive because of the pay.

Useful Words

Unlovely : خوبصورتی کے بغیر , Unattractive : جس میں کشش نا ہو , Appeal : متاثر کرنا , Inviting : پرکشش , Irresistible : پر کشش , Cunningly : پرکشش طوور پر , Enhance : پرکشش اور بہتر بنانا , Dress Up : سجانا , Beauty : حسینا , Beauteousness : خوبصورتی , Fetching : پر کشش , Homeliness : بد صورتی , Endear : پیارا بنانا , Recommend : کسی کو قابل قبول بنانا , Attire : بننا سنورنا , Popularisation : پسندیدگی , Grot : چھوٹا غار , Populariser : ہر دلعزیز بنانے والا شخص , Alluring : لبھانے والا , Adorn : سجانا , Cunning : پر کشش , Nectar : عسل , Invite : شوق دلانا , Decorativeness : زیبائش , Attraction : لبھاو , Gratifying : تسکین دہ , Showmanship : ڈرامائی انداز میں پیش کرنے کی صلاحیت , Glossy : نمود نمائش والا , Sweater Girl : ابھری ہوئی چھاتیوں والی لڑکی , Personableness : خوبصورتی , Chestnut : شاہ بلوط

Useful Words Definitions

Unlovely: without beauty or charm.

Unattractive: lacking beauty or charm.

Appeal: be attractive to.

Inviting: attractive and tempting.

Irresistible: overpoweringly attractive.

Cunningly: in an attractive manner.

Enhance: make better or more attractive.

Dress Up: make something appear superficially attractive.

Beauty: a very attractive or seductive looking woman.

Beauteousness: the quality of being good looking and attractive.

Fetching: very attractive; capturing interest.

Homeliness: an appearance that is not attractive or beautiful.

Endear: make attractive or lovable.

Recommend: make attractive or acceptable.

Attire: put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive.

Popularisation: the act of making something attractive to the general public.

Grot: a small cave (usually with attractive features).

Populariser: someone who makes attractive to the general public.

Alluring: highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire.

Adorn: make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.

Cunning: attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness.

Nectar: a sweet liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators.

Invite: give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting.

Decorativeness: an appearance that serves to decorate and make something more attractive.

Attraction: the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts.

Gratifying: pleasing to the mind or feeling.

Showmanship: the ability to present something (especially theatrical shows) in an attractive manner.

Glossy: superficially attractive and stylish; suggesting wealth or expense.

Sweater Girl: a girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters.

Personableness: the complex of attributes that make a person socially attractive.

Chestnut: any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur.

Related Words

Bewitching : دلفریب , Charismatic : کرشماتی , Engaging : پرکشش , Appealing : پر کشش

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