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بدتمیزی : Badtameezi Meaning in English

Badtameezi Synonyms


Badtameezi in Detail

1 of 2) بدتمیزی : Cheekiness Crust Freshness Gall Impertinence Impudence Insolence : (noun) the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties.

2 of 2) بدتمیزی : Acting Out : (noun) a (usually irritating) impulsive and uncontrollable outburst by a problem child or a neurotic adult.

Useful Words

بے ادب : Fresh : improperly forward or bold. "Don`t be fresh with me".

خود مختاری : Autonomy : immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence.

گستاخ : Bad-Mannered : socially incorrect in behavior. "Sorry for being rude".

لے جانا : Conduct : take somebody somewhere. "His long sit-in led him to become prime minister".

خاصیت : Trait : a distinguishing feature of your personal nature. "This building of Istanbul is so beautiful because the trait of architect of this building is that he has mastered the art of sketching".

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