Betterment meaning in Urdu
Betterment Sentence
Betterment Synonyms
Betterment Definitions
1 of 3) Betterment, Advance, Improvement : اصلاح, ترقی, سدھار : (noun) a change for the better; progress in development.
2 of 3) Betterment : بہبود : (noun) an improvement that adds to the value of a property or facility.
3 of 3) Betterment, Amelioration, Melioration : سدھار, بہتری, اصلاح : (noun) the act of relieving ills and changing for the better.
Useful Words
Reformation : مذہب وغیرہ کا سدھار , Advancement : ترقی , Backwater : جمود , Holding Pattern : جمود , Become : بن جانا , Agitation : خلفشار , Improvable : ترقی پذیر , Sublimate : پگھلے بغیر بھاپ بن جانا , Enhancement : اضافہ , Redeemable : قابل اصلاح , Motility : حرکت , Correction : تصحیح , Accession : حق ملکیت , Reform : اصلاح کرنا , Exchange : بدلنا , Afoot : رواں , Underfoot : راستے میں , Clear Sailing : آسانی , Expedite : تیز کرنا , Advance : بڑھاوا دینا , Blockade : ناکہ بندی , Progressive : ترقی یافتہ , Ladder : سیڑھیاں , Impediment : رکاوٹ , Block : روکنا , Dead End : تعطل , Climb : اوپر چڑھنا , Cramp : روکنا , Advancement : فروغ , Flow : ابل پڑنا , Liberality : آزاد خیالی
Useful Words Definitions
Reformation: improvement (or an intended improvement) in the existing form or condition of institutions or practices etc.; intended to make a striking change for the better in social or political or religious affairs.
Advancement: gradual improvement or growth or development.
Backwater: a place or condition in which no development or progress is occurring.
Holding Pattern: a state of inaction with no progress and no change.
Become: undergo a change or development.
Agitation: a state of agitation or turbulent change or development.
Improvable: susceptible of improvement.
Sublimate: change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting.
Enhancement: an improvement that makes something more agreeable.
Redeemable: susceptible to improvement or reform.
Motility: a change of position that does not entail a change of location.
Correction: the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right.
Accession: (civil law) the right to all of that which your property produces whether by growth or improvement.
Reform: implement changes to rectify abuses and injustices, aiming for improvement and fairness.
Exchange: change over, change around, as to a new order or sequence.
Afoot: currently in progress.
Underfoot: in the way and hindering progress.
Clear Sailing: easy unobstructed progress.
Expedite: speed up the progress of; facilitate.
Advance: contribute to the progress or growth of.
Blockade: prevents access or progress.
Progressive: favoring or promoting progress.
Ladder: ascending stages by which somebody or something can progress.
Impediment: any structure that makes progress difficult.
Block: hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of.
Dead End: a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible.
Climb: go upward with gradual or continuous progress.
Cramp: prevent the progress or free movement of.
Advancement: encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something.
Flow: move or progress freely as if in a stream.
Liberality: an inclination to favor progress and individual freedom.
Related Words
Improvement : بہتری کا عمل , Resurgence : حیات نو , Shift : تبدیلی , Accommodation : موافقت , Recovery : بحالی