بھیگنا : Bhenga Meaning in English
Bhenga Synonyms
Bhenga in Detail
3 of 5) بھینگا ترچھا مڑا ہوا : Askew Awry Cockeyed Lopsided Skew-Whiff Wonky : (satellite adjective) turned or twisted toward one side.
4 of 5) بھینگا : Squint-Eye Squinter : (noun) a person with strabismus.
5 of 5) بھینگا : Squint-Eyed : (adjective) affected by strabismus.
Useful Words
بن جانا : Become : undergo a change or development. "What will you become when you grow up?".
قائل کرنا : Cause : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. "The induced me for fake collision to obtain money fraudulently from insurance companies".
بستر پر پیشاب کرنا : Wet : make one`s bed or clothes wet by urinating. "He wets the bed".