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Bitterness meaning in Urdu

Bitterness Synonyms


Bitterness Definitions

1 of 3) Bitterness, Gall, Rancor, Rancour, Resentment : تعصب, حسد, جلن : (noun) a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will.

3 of 3) Bitterness, Bitter : کڑواہٹ, کڑوا : (noun) the taste experience when quinine or coffee is taken into the mouth.

Useful Words

Acridity : انتہائی کڑوا پن , Acerbity : بہت کڑوا , Bitterly : تلخی سے , Bittersweet : کڑوے اور میٹھے ملتے جلتے ذائقے والا , Fury : طیش , Indignation : شدید غصہ , Irascibility : بد اندیشی , Angry : ناراض , Enragement : اشتعال , Offence : برا منانا , Irate : غضے سے بھرپور , Invective : گالی , Compunction : پچھتاوا , Smite : کسی چیز سے شدید متاثر ہونا , Soulless : بے جذبہ , Cholecystitis : پتے کی سوزش , Pleasantness : مرغوبیت , Agrobacterium Tumefaciens : پودوں کا جراثیم , Cholecystectomy : جراحی سے پتے کو نکال دینا , Hungry : بھوکا , Nauseated : متلی , Ballottement : تشخیص حمل کا ایک طریقہ , Angrily : غصے سے , Huffy : پاگل , Choleric : غضب ناک , Bridle : برا منانا , Bridle At : غصہ دکھانا , Foam At The Mouth : سخت غصے کی حالت میں ہونا , Irritation : اچانک غصے میں آنا , Annoyed : غصے ہونا یا دلانا , Offensive : ناگوار

Useful Words Definitions

Acridity: extreme bitterness.

Acerbity: a sharp bitterness.

Bitterly: with bitterness, in a resentful manner.

Bittersweet: having a taste that is a mixture of bitterness and sweetness.

Fury: a feeling of intense anger.

Indignation: a feeling of righteous anger.

Irascibility: a feeling of resentful anger.

Angry: feeling or showing anger.

Enragement: a feeling of intense anger.

Offence: a feeling of anger caused by being offended.

Irate: feeling or showing extreme anger.

Invective: abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will.

Compunction: a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed).

Smite: affect suddenly with deep feeling.

Soulless: lacking sensitivity or the capacity for deep feeling.

Cholecystitis: inflammation of the gall bladder.

Pleasantness: the feeling caused by agreeable stimuli; one pole of a continuum of states of feeling.

Agrobacterium Tumefaciens: the bacteria that produce crown gall disease in plants.

Cholecystectomy: surgical removal of the gall bladder (usually for relief of gallstone pain).

Hungry: feeling hunger; feeling a need or desire to eat food.

Nauseated: feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit.

Ballottement: a palpatory technique for feeling a floating object in the body (especially for determining the position of a fetus by feeling the rebound of the fetus after a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus).

Angrily: with anger.

Huffy: roused to anger.

Choleric: characterized by anger.

Bridle: anger or take offense.

Bridle At: show anger or indignation.

Foam At The Mouth: be in a state of uncontrolled anger.

Irritation: a sudden outburst of anger.

Annoyed: aroused to impatience or anger.

Offensive: causing anger or annoyance.

Related Words

Gustatory Perception : مزا , Enmity : دشمنی , Heartburning : شدید جلن , Huffishness : غصہ , Grievance : بغض , Enviousness : حسد

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