Bleed meaning in Urdu
Bleed Synonyms
Bleed Definitions
1 of 3) Bleed, Hemorrhage, Shed Blood : خون بہنا : (verb) lose blood from one`s body.
2 of 3) Bleed, Leech, Phlebotomise, Phlebotomize : خون بہانا : (verb) draw blood.
3 of 3) Bleed : کنگال کر دینا : (verb) get or extort (money or other possessions) from someone.
Useful Words
Anaemia : خون کی کمی , Arteria : شاہ رگ , Bloodiness : خون خواری , Erythrocyte : خون کا سرخ جسیمہ , Hepatitis C : کالا یرقان درجہ سوم , Agglutination Test : خون کی جانچ , Thrombus : دلمہ , Blood Platelet : خون کو گاڑھا رکھنے والا قدرتی مادہ , Abo Blood Group System : انسانی خون کی چار مختلف اقسام , Thrombocytopenia : خون میں پلیٹلیٹ کی تعداد میں تخفیف , Coronary : کسی وجہ سے دل کو خون نا پہنچانا , Acidemia : خون میں تیزابیت , Factor Iii : تھرومبو پلاسٹن , Hypovolaemia : اولیگیمیا , Glucagon : لبلبہ کے آئیلٹس آف لنگرہانز کے الفا خلیوں میں پیدا ہونے والا ہارمون , Heterophil Test : خون کا ٹیسٹ , Vein : نس , Blood Transfusion : نیا خون دینا , Blood Pressure : بلڈ پریشر , Bleeding : خون کا نکلنا , Blood Bank : خون جمع کرانے کی جگہ , Hyperaemia : کسی جگہ میں خون کی زیادتی , Congestion : جکڑن , Phlebothrombosis : ورید میں تھرومبوسس جس کی وجہ سے خون کے بہاو میں سستی ہو جاتی ہے , Diapedesis : بافتوں میں رگوں کی دیواروں میں سے خونی خلیوں کا گزرنا , Thrombosis : خون بستگی , Haemal : خون سے متعلق , Haematogenesis : خون زائی , Cardiovascular System : نظام دوران خون , Warm-Blooded : گرم خون والے جانور , Blood : خون
Useful Words Definitions
Anaemia: Anemia is a medical condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the body`s tissues. When the level of hemoglobin or red blood cells falls below the normal range, it can lead to a reduced ability of the blood to carry oxygen effectively.
Arteria: a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body.
Bloodiness: a disposition to shed blood.
Erythrocyte: a red blood cell is a mature blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body`s tissues and removes carbon dioxide. It is disc-shaped, lacks a nucleus, and contains hemoglobin, which gives it its red color.
Hepatitis C: a viral hepatitis clinically indistinguishable from hepatitis B but caused by a single-stranded RNA virus; usually transmitted by parenteral means (as injection of an illicit drug or blood transfusion or exposure to blood or blood products).
Agglutination Test: a blood test used to identify unknown antigens; blood with the unknown antigen is mixed with a known antibody and whether or not agglutination occurs helps to identify the antigen; used in tissue matching and blood grouping and diagnosis of infections.
Thrombus: a blood clot formed within a blood vessel and remaining attached to its place of origin.
Blood Platelet: tiny bits of protoplasm found in vertebrate blood; essential for blood clotting.
Abo Blood Group System: a classification system for the antigens of human blood; used in blood transfusion therapy; four groups are A and B and AB and O.
Thrombocytopenia: a blood disease characterized by an abnormally small number of platelets in the blood.
Coronary: obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery by a blood clot (thrombus).
Acidemia: a blood disorder characterized by an increased concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which falls below 7 on the pH scale).
Factor Iii: an enzyme liberated from blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood starts to clot.
Hypovolaemia: a blood disorder consisting of a decrease in the volume of circulating blood.
Glucagon: a hormone secreted by the pancreas; stimulates increases in blood sugar levels in the blood (thus opposing the action of insulin).
Heterophil Test: a blood test to detect heterophil antibodies that agglutinate sheep red blood cells; positive result indicates infectious mononucleosis.
Vein: a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart.
Blood Transfusion: the introduction of blood or blood plasma into a vein or artery.
Blood Pressure: the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart; sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person`s health.
Bleeding: the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel.
Blood Bank: a place for storing whole blood or blood plasma.
Hyperaemia: increased blood in an organ or other body part.
Congestion: excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part.
Phlebothrombosis: thrombosis of a vein without prior inflammation of the vein; associated with sluggish blood flow (as in prolonged bedrest or pregnancy or surgery) or with rapid coagulation of the blood.
Diapedesis: passage of blood cells (especially white blood cells) through intact capillary walls and into the surrounding tissue.
Thrombosis: the formation or presence of a thrombus (a clot of coagulated blood attached at the site of its formation) in a blood vessel.
Haemal: relating to the blood vessels or blood.
Haematogenesis: the formation of blood cells in the living body (especially in the bone marrow).
Cardiovascular System: the organs and tissues involved in circulating blood and lymph through the body.
Warm-Blooded: having warm blood (in animals whose body temperature is internally regulated).
Blood: the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets.
Related Words
Flow : حیض آنا , Care For : کا علاج کرنا , Discharge : خارج کرنا , Extort : بھتہ لینا
Bleed in Book Titles
Let It Bleed.
Bleed Like Me.
Bleed Through: New and Selected Poems.
Dead Angels Bleed.