Blether meaning in Urdu
Blether Synonyms
Blether Definitions
1 of 2) Blether, Chin Music, Idle Talk, Prate, Prattle : فضول باتیں, بے تکی بات : (noun) idle or foolish and irrelevant talk.
2 of 2) Blether, Babble, Blather, Blither, Smatter : بیوقوفانہ باتیں کرنا, بے تکی باتیں کرنا, بکواس کرنا : (verb) to talk foolishly.
Useful Words
Speculate : قیاس آرائی کرنا , Crock : بکواس , Arse About : سست پڑے رہنا , Idly : بیکار , Slug : کاہل , Goldbrick : نکھٹو , Woolgathering : خیالی پلاو , Whittler : لکڑی چھیلنے والا شخص , Moon : کاہل ہونا , Lackadaisical : سست , Lackadaisically : ناتوانی سے , Idle : کاہل ہونا , Slack : کاہل , Daydreamer : شیخ چلی , Commercial Paper : تجارتی دستاویز , Cackle : شور , Hush : خاموش کرانا , Bleat : آہ و زاری کرنا , Orate : تقریر کرنا , Monologuise : خود کلامی کرنا , Snivel : روتے ہوئے بات کرنا , Confab : بات چیت کرنا , Applesauce : بکواس , Accessible : قابل پہنچ , Speak : بات کرنا , Brag : شیخیاں , Maunder : آہستہ سے بولنا , Reticent : کم گو , Hooey : فضول گفتگو , Expansive : بات چیت , Driveller : بڑ بڑیا
Useful Words Definitions
Speculate: talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion.
Crock: nonsense; foolish talk.
Arse About: be lazy or idle.
Idly: in an idle manner.
Slug: an idle slothful person.
Goldbrick: an idle worthless person.
Woolgathering: an idle indulgence in fantasy.
Whittler: someone who whittles (usually as an idle pastime).
Moon: be idle in a listless or dreamy way.
Lackadaisical: idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way.
Lackadaisically: in an idle and lackadaisical manner.
Idle: be idle; exist in a changeless situation.
Slack: avoid responsibilities and work, be idle.
Daydreamer: someone who indulges in idle or absentminded daydreaming.
Commercial Paper: an unsecured and unregistered short-term obligation issued by an institutional borrower to investors who have temporarily idle cash.
Cackle: noisy talk.
Hush: cause to be quiet or not talk.
Bleat: talk whiningly.
Orate: talk pompously.
Monologuise: talk to oneself.
Snivel: talk in a tearful manner.
Confab: have a conference in order to talk something over.
Applesauce: nonsensical talk or writing.
Accessible: easy to get along with or talk to; friendly.
Speak: exchange thoughts; talk with.
Brag: an instance of boastful talk.
Maunder: talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice.
Reticent: temperamentally disinclined to talk.
Hooey: senseless talk which has no sense .
Expansive: friendly and open and willing to talk.
Driveller: someone whose talk is trivial drivel.