Bring Round meaning in Urdu
Bring Round Synonyms
Bring Round Definitions
1 of 2) Bring Round, Bring Around : قائل کرلینا, قائل کرنا : (verb) cause to adopt an opinion or course of action.
2 of 2) Bring Round, Bring Around, Bring Back, Bring To : یاد دلانا : (verb) return to consciousness.
Useful Words
Reclaim : سدھارنا , Associate : اتحاد میں آنا , Prosecute : کسی کے خلاف قانونی کاروائی کرنا , Draw : لے جانا , Arouse : جادو کے ذریعے کچھ کرنا , Coordinate : مربوط کرنا , Bear : دینا , Collect : ایک ساتھ لانا , Bring Up : پرورش کرنا , Initiate : شروع ہونا , Bring : لادینا , Conclude : ختم ہونا , Bring Forth : پیدا کرنا , Bring Through : بچا لینا , Conciliator : مصالحت کرانے والا , Amalgamate : ملانا , Come Up : جمع کرنا , Cradle : پالنا , Retrieve : جا کر واپس لینا , Create : وجود میں لانا , Bring Forth : دکھانے لانا , Ground : زمین پر لانا , Bring Forth : پیدا کرنا , Import : باہر سے لانا , Bring : لے جانا , Unearth : ظاہر کرنا , Compass : انجام دینا , Complete : ختم کرنا , End : ختم کرنا , Rake Up : کسی چھپی ھوئی چیز کو پھر سے یاد کرنا اور قابل ذکر بنانا , Come Up : ساتھ لانا
Useful Words Definitions
Reclaim: bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one.
Associate: bring or come into association or action.
Prosecute: bring a criminal action against (in a trial).
Draw: bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition.
Arouse: summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic.
Coordinate: bring into common action, movement, or condition.
Bear: bring forth,.
Collect: get or bring together.
Bring Up: bring up.
Initiate: bring into being.
Bring: go or come after and bring or take back.
Conclude: bring to a close.
Bring Forth: bring into existence.
Bring Through: bring into safety.
Conciliator: someone who tries to bring peace.
Amalgamate: to bring or combine together or with something else.
Come Up: gather or bring together.
Cradle: bring up from infancy.
Retrieve: go for and bring back.
Create: bring into existence.
Bring Forth: bring out for display.
Ground: bring to the ground.
Bring Forth: bring forth or yield.
Import: bring in from abroad.
Bring: bring into a different state.
Unearth: bring to light.
Compass: bring about; accomplish.
Complete: come or bring to a finish or an end.
End: bring to an end or halt.
Rake Up: bring to light.
Come Up: bring forth, usually something desirable.
Related Words
Arouse : بیدار ہونا , Resuscitate : بے ہوشی سے ہوش میں آنا , Persuade : قائل کرنا