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Bumpkinly meaning in Urdu

Bumpkinly Sentence

Bumpkinly country boys.

Bumpkinly Synonyms


Bumpkinly Definitions

1) Bumpkinly, Hick, Rustic, Unsophisticated : دیہاتی : (satellite adjective) awkwardly simple and provincial.

Useful Words

Jejuneness : بے لطفی , Clamber : اناڑی پن سے چڑھنا , Rustic : دیہاتی , Bushwhacker : گنوار , Agrestic : دیہاتی رویہ , Gaucherie : دیہاتی ہونے کی حالت یا خاصیت , Hunting Lodge : عارضی قیام کے لئے ایک چھوٹا مکان , Rusticate : دیہاتی علاقے میں رہنا , Regina : ملکہ , Global : عالمگیر , Austere : سادہ , Plain : سادہ , Simpleness : سادگی , Sonatina : چھوٹا اور مختصر سوناٹا , Toronto : ٹورانٹو , Stool : کرسی , Snaffle : بے خار دہانہ لگام , Chaste : سادہ , Plainly : سادہ طور پر , Artless : سادہ , Organic : سادہ , Adding Machine : محاسبی آلہ , Affrication : فرک کاری , Natural : کچا , Fructose : مٹھاس , Arachnid : مکڑی , Ditty : راگنی , Sling : گوپیا , Flat Bread : چپاتی , Germ : جرثومہ , Heterotrichales : پیلی سبز کائی

Useful Words Definitions

Jejuneness: the quality of being vapid and unsophisticated.

Clamber: climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling.

Rustic: an unsophisticated country person.

Bushwhacker: a disparaging term for an unsophisticated person.

Agrestic: (of behavior) rustic and uncouth.

Gaucherie: the quality of being rustic or gauche.

Hunting Lodge: a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter.

Rusticate: live in the country and lead a rustic life.

Regina: the provincial capital of Saskatchewan.

Global: involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope.

Austere: severely simple.

Plain: not elaborate or elaborated; simple.

Simpleness: the quality of being simple or uncompounded.

Sonatina: a short and simple sonata.

Toronto: the provincial capital and largest city in Ontario (and the largest city in Canada).

Stool: a simple seat without a back or arms.

Snaffle: a simple jointed bit for a horse; without a curb.

Chaste: pure and simple in design or style.

Plainly: in a simple manner; without extravagance or embellishment.

Artless: simple and natural; without cunning or deceit.

Organic: simple and healthful and close to nature.

Adding Machine: a calculator that performs simple arithmetic functions.

Affrication: the conversion of a simple stop consonant into an affricate.

Natural: (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes.

Fructose: a simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits.

Arachnid: air-breathing arthropods characterized by simple eyes and four pairs of legs.

Ditty: a short simple song (or the words of a poem intended to be sung).

Sling: a simple weapon consisting of a looped strap in which a projectile is whirled and then released.

Flat Bread: A simple bread made with flour, water, and salt and then thoroughly rolled into flattened dough.

Germ: a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism.

Heterotrichales: yellow-green algae with simple or branching filaments; comprising the single family Tribonemaceae.

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