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بری طرح ٹریفک جام ہونا : Buri Tarha Traffic Jam Hona Meaning in English

Buri Tarha Traffic Jam Hona in Detail

1) بری طرح ٹریفک جام ہونا : Gridlock : (noun) a traffic jam so bad that no movement is possible.


Useful Words

برا : Bad : having undesirable or negative qualities. "Where the bad smell is coming from room?".

ایک جگہ گھس جانا : Jam : press tightly together or cram. "The crowd packed the auditorium".

حرکت : Motility : a change of position that does not entail a change of location. "Your movement".

انکار : No : a negative. "No buddy".

ممکن : Possible : something that can be done. "How is this possible?".

تو : So : for this reason; therefore. "So what else".

ٹریفک : Traffic : the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time. "I stuck in traffic".

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