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Carte Blanche meaning in Urdu

Carte Blanche Definitions

1) Carte Blanche : کھلی چھٹی : (noun) complete freedom or authority to act.


Useful Words

Nihilism : انکار کل , Human Right : انسانی حقوق , Blank Check : کھلی چھٹی , Liberate : آزادی دینا , Vagile : آزادانہ حرکت کر سکنے والا , Looseness : آزادی , Discretion : اختیار , Liberty : آزادی , Intern : نظر بند کرنا , Open Door : آزادانہ داخلہ , Sir : سر , Modestness : نیک نیتی , Cheering : خوش کرنے والا , Security : تحفظ , Confine : قید کرنا , Independence : آزادی , Free : آزاد کرنا , Confining : محدود , Ease : آسانی سے , Affranchise : خلاصی دینا , Assurance : اعتماد , Peace : امن , Constricting : دبانے والی , Restraint : پابندی , Comfort : اطمینان , Enfranchisement : حق راۓ دہی , Secureness : حفاظت , Disinterestedness : بے غرضی , Leisure : فرصت , Ease : کام سے آزادی , Liberality : آزاد خیالی

Useful Words Definitions

Nihilism: complete denial of all established authority and institutions.

Human Right: (law) any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law).

Blank Check: freedom to do as you see fit.

Liberate: grant freedom to.

Vagile: having freedom to move about.

Looseness: freedom from restraint.

Discretion: freedom to act or judge on one`s own.

Liberty: freedom of choice.

Intern: deprive of freedom.

Open Door: freedom of access.

Sir: sir is used as a respectful form of address for a man. It is often used to show deference or politeness when speaking to someone in a position of authority or as a way to show respect in formal or professional settings. "Sir" is also commonly used to address someone in a customer service or hospitality context. It is a term that denotes respect and is often used to address a person of higher social status or authority.

Modestness: freedom from vanity or conceit.

Cheering: providing freedom from worry.

Security: freedom from anxiety or fear.

Confine: deprive of freedom; take into confinement.

Independence: freedom from control or influence of another or others.

Free: grant freedom to; free from confinement.

Confining: restricting the scope or freedom of action.

Ease: freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort.

Affranchise: grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude.

Assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.

Peace: harmonious relations; freedom from disputes.

Constricting: (of circumstances) tending to constrict freedom.

Restraint: a rule or condition that limits freedom.

Comfort: a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment.

Enfranchisement: freedom from political subjugation or servitude.

Secureness: the state of freedom from fear or danger.

Disinterestedness: freedom from bias or from selfish motives.

Leisure: freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity.

Ease: freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility).

Liberality: an inclination to favor progress and individual freedom.

Related Words

Authorisation : اختیار

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