Chord Chorally Choral Chopstick Choppy Chopper Chopped Chopfallen Chore Chorea Choreograph Choreographer Choric Chorine Chorister Chortle Chorus Chorus Girl Chosen Chou

Chore meaning in Urdu

Chore Sentence

The farmer`s morning chores.

Chore Synonyms


Chore Definitions

1) Chore, Job, Task : کام, نوکری : (noun) a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee.

Useful Words

Serve : فرائض نبھانا , Recipe : کھانا پکانے کی ترکیب , Refiner : خالص بنانے والا , Interval : وقفہ , Action : خاص کام , Cognise : معلوم ہونا , Coordinator : رابطہ کار , Trick : دور , Particularise : جدا جدا بیان کرنا , Concretise : ذہن میں واضح ہونا , Day Off : چھٹی , Species : نوع , Treat : سمھجنا , Activity : سرگرمی , Devote : نذر کرنا , Ad Hoc : مخصوص کام کے لئے , Leave : چھٹی , Pass : وقت گزارنا , Assign : چننا , Forge : بنانا , Shoehorn : بے تکے پن سے استعمال کرنا , Want : چاہت , Correction : اصلاح , Specificity : خصوص , Equip : کسی مقصد کے لئے لیس کرنا سامان دینا , Vice : برائی , Ad Hoc : خاص مقصد کے لیے , Allocation : مقًرر کردہ , Operable : قابل عمل , Then : اس زمانے میں , Orient : تبدیلی کرکے کسی کے لئے خاص بنانا

Useful Words Definitions

Serve: do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function.

Recipe: steps, ingredients, and techniques required to prepare a specific dish or meal.

Refiner: one whose work is to refine a specific thing.

Interval: a time interval is a specific length of time between two points or events, often measured or defined by specific instants or durations.

Action: the most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field.

Cognise: be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about.

Coordinator: someone whose task is to see that work goes harmoniously.

Trick: a period of work or duty.

Particularise: be specific about.

Concretise: become specific.

Day Off: a day when you are not required to work.

Species: a specific kind of something.

Treat: regard or consider in a specific way.

Activity: any specific behavior.

Devote: set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use.

Ad Hoc: for one specific case.

Leave: the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty.

Pass: pass time in a specific way.

Assign: select something or someone for a specific purpose.

Forge: make something, usually for a specific function.

Shoehorn: fit for a specific purpose even when not well suited.

Want: a specific feeling of desire.

Correction: treatment of a specific defect.

Specificity: the quality of being specific rather than general.

Equip: provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose.

Vice: a specific form of evildoing.

Ad Hoc: for or concerned with one specific purpose.

Allocation: a share set aside for a specific purpose.

Operable: usable for a specific purpose.

Then: at a specific prior time.

Orient: adjust to a specific need or market.

Related Words

Duty : ذمداری

Chore in Book Titles

The Chore Solution:Making Families Better by Working Together.
Evening Chore: Poems.
