Common Jasmine meaning in Urdu
Common Jasmine Synonyms
Common Jasmine Definitions
1) Common Jasmine, Jasminum Officinale, Jessamine, True Jasmine : گل یاسمین : (noun) a climbing deciduous shrub with fragrant white or yellow or red flowers used in perfume and to flavor tea.
Useful Words
Common Four-O'clock : رنگ برنگی پھولوں والا امریکی پودا , Cowslip : گیندے کاپہول , Caoutchouc Tree : ایمازونی ربڑ کا درخت , Bell Heather : جامنی لال پھول والی جھاڑی , Banksia Rose : چین میں پایا جانے پھول , Ball Nettle : کانٹے دار پودا , Blood-Twig : یورپی پت جھڑا درخت , Acacia Farnesiana : امریکی اکاشیا , Cistus Ladanifer : خوشبودار چپچپی جھاڑی , He-Huckleberry : سفید پھول والی جھاڑی , Common Snowberry : سفید بیری , Common St John's Wort : گل راعی , Comptonia Asplenifolia : میٹھی امریکی بوٹی , Actinidia Arguta : چھوٹی کیوی , Lyonia Mariana : ایک بوٹی جس کے پتے زہریلے اور پہول سفید ہوتے ہیں , Anemone Quinquefolia : گل حسرت , Clintonia Borealis : نیلی بوندی والا پودا , Aster Ericoides : تارے نما پھولوں والا امریکی پودا , Common Chickweed : ازخود اگنے والا سفید پھولوں والا پودا , Stephanotis : ایک طرح کا پہول , Horsebean : موٹی سیم کا پیڑ , Essential Oil : نباتی تیل , Chaenomeles Speciosa : جاپانی گلاب , Alnus Serrulata : نرم چھال والی جھاڑی , Blunt-Leaf Heath : سفید گلاب کی جھاڑی , Surcharge : اضافی ٹیکس , Common Spindle Tree : مضاض جڑی بوٹی , Fuchsia Excorticata : سیدھا کھڑا گہرے لال رنگ کے پھولوں والا دس فٹ لمبا درخت , Contribution : امداد دینا , Calycanthus Floridus : ایک قسم کی کاشتی جھاڑی , Allamanda Cathartica : امریکی سدا بہار پودا
Useful Words Definitions
Common Four-O'clock: common garden plant of North America having fragrant red or purple or yellow or white flowers that open in late afternoon.
Cowslip: early spring flower common in British isles having fragrant yellow or sometimes purple flowers.
Caoutchouc Tree: deciduous tree of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers having leathery leaves and fragrant yellow-white flowers; it yields a milky juice that is the chief source of commercial rubber.
Bell Heather: common low European shrub with purple-red flowers.
Banksia Rose: Chinese evergreen climbing rose with yellow or white single flowers.
Ball Nettle: coarse prickly weed having pale yellow flowers and yellow berrylike fruit; common throughout southern and eastern United States.
Blood-Twig: European deciduous shrub turning red in autumn having dull white flowers.
Acacia Farnesiana: tropical American thorny shrub or small tree; fragrant yellow flowers used in making perfumery.
Cistus Ladanifer: shrub having white flowers and viscid stems and leaves yielding a fragrant oleoresin used in perfumes especially as a fixative.
He-Huckleberry: deciduous much-branched shrub with dense downy panicles of small bell-shaped white flowers.
Common Snowberry: deciduous shrub of western North America having spikes of pink flowers followed by round white berries.
Common St John's Wort: deciduous bushy Eurasian shrub with golden yellow flowers and reddish-purple fruits from which a soothing salve is made in Spain.
Comptonia Asplenifolia: deciduous shrub of eastern North America with sweet scented fernlike leaves and tiny white flowers.
Actinidia Arguta: climbing Asiatic vine having long finely serrate leaves and racemes of white flowers followed by greenish-yellow edible fruit.
Lyonia Mariana: deciduous shrub of coastal plain of the eastern United States having nodding pinkish-white flowers; poisonous to stock.
Anemone Quinquefolia: common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers.
Clintonia Borealis: common woodland herb of temperate North America having yellow nodding flowers and small round blue fruits.
Aster Ericoides: common much-branched North American perennial with heathlike foliage and small starry white flowers.
Common Chickweed: a common low-growing annual garden weed with small white flowers; cosmopolitan; so-called because it is eaten by chickens.
Stephanotis: any of various evergreen climbing shrubs of the genus Stephanotis having fragrant waxy flowers.
Horsebean: large shrub or shrubby tree having sharp spines and pinnate leaves with small deciduous leaflets and sweet-scented racemose yellow-orange flowers; grown as ornamentals or hedging or emergency food for livestock; tropical America but naturalized in southern United States.
Essential Oil: an oil having the odor or flavor of the plant from which it comes; used in perfume and flavorings.
Chaenomeles Speciosa: deciduous thorny shrub native to China having red or white blossoms.
Alnus Serrulata: common shrub of the eastern United States with smooth bark.
Blunt-Leaf Heath: small erect shrub of Australia and Tasmania with fragrant ivory flowers.
Surcharge: an additional charge (as for items previously omitted or as a penalty for failure to exercise common caution or common skill).
Common Spindle Tree: small erect deciduous shrub having tough white wood and cathartic bark and fruit.
Fuchsia Excorticata: erect deciduous shrub or tree to 10 feet with maroon flowers; New Zealand.
Contribution: act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity.
Calycanthus Floridus: hardy shrub of southeastern United States having clove-scented wood and fragrant red-brown flowers.
Allamanda Cathartica: vigorous evergreen climbing plant of South America having glossy leathery foliage and golden yellow flowers.