Conclusion Of Law Conclusion Concluding Concluded Conclude Conclave Concision Conciseness Conclusive Conclusively Conclusiveness Concoct Concoction Concomitance Concomitant Concord Concord Grape Concordance Concordant Concordat

Conclusive meaning in Urdu

Conclusive Sentence

Conclusive proof.

Conclusive Definitions

1) Conclusive : فیصلہ کن : (adjective) forming an end or termination; especially putting an end to doubt or question.

The evidence is conclusive.


Useful Words

Conclusively : حتمی طور پر , By All Odds : بے شک , Clearly : بیشک , Certain : یقینی , Concluding : اختتامی , Agglutinative : الفاظ سے ماخوذ , Cross Examine : جرح کرنا , Closedown : بندش , Adjournment : اجلاس کا اختتام , Abortion : اسقاط حمل , Tc : اختتام نامہ , Disunion : عدم اتحاد , Drug Withdrawal : چھوڑنے کا عمل , Breakup : قطع تعلق , Discharge : برطرفی , Abatement Of A Nuisance : پریشانی کا ازالہ , Incomplete Abortion : بچے کا کوئی حصہ رحم میں باقی رہ جانا , Liquidation : کاروبار کا خاتمہ , Destruction : تباہی , Doubtless : بے شک , Assuredly : بلاشبہ , Distrust : شک , Disbelief : یقین کے بارے میں شک ہونا , Doubting : شکی , Unimpeachable : باوثوق , Implicit : پختہ , Peradventure : شاید , Doubtful : مشکوک , Belike : ممکنہ طور پر , Doubtful : مشکوک , Debatable : شک

Useful Words Definitions

Conclusively: in a conclusive way.

By All Odds: without question and beyond doubt.

Clearly: without doubt or question.

Certain: established beyond doubt or question; definitely known.

Concluding: occurring at or forming an end or termination.

Agglutinative: forming derivative or compound words by putting together constituents each of which expresses a single definite meaning.

Cross Examine: question closely, or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side.

Closedown: termination of operations.

Adjournment: the termination of a meeting.

Abortion: termination of pregnancy.

Tc: Termination Certificate.

Disunion: the termination or destruction of union.

Drug Withdrawal: the termination of drug taking.

Breakup: the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations).

Discharge: the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart).

Abatement Of A Nuisance: (law) the removal or termination or destruction of something that has been found to be a nuisance.

Incomplete Abortion: termination of pregnancy without expulsion of all of the products of conception.

Liquidation: termination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities.

Destruction: the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists.

Doubtless: without doubt; certainly.

Assuredly: without a doubt.

Distrust: doubt about someone`s honesty.

Disbelief: doubt about the truth of something.

Doubting: marked by or given to doubt.

Unimpeachable: beyond doubt or reproach.

Implicit: being without doubt or reserve.

Peradventure: doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case.

Doubtful: open to doubt or suspicion.

Belike: with considerable certainty; without much doubt.

Doubtful: fraught with uncertainty or doubt.

Debatable: open to doubt or debate.

Related Words

Conclusiveness : قطعیت , Decisive : حتمی

Conclusive in Book Titles

Conclusive Evidence.

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