Cone meaning in Urdu
Cone Synonyms
Cone Definitions
2 of 3) Cone, Cone Shape, Conoid : مخروط, بالائی حصہ گول اور نچلا حصہ نوکدار : (noun) a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point.
3 of 3) Cone, Strobile, Strobilus : بیجوں کا مخروطہ : (noun) cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts.
Useful Words
Snuffer : شمع کی بتی تراشنے کا آلہ , Keratoconus : آنکہوں کا ابھرنا , Haycock : چارے کا ڈھیر , Megaphone : آواز بلند کرنے والا آلہ , Ommatidium : ایک قسم کی آنکھ , Pineal : شکل میں ایک صنوبری مخروط سے مشابہ , Cone-Shaped : مخروطی , Air Sock : ہوا کی سمت جاننے کا آلہ , Abies Bracteata : تکونا صنوبر , Apophysis : ابھار , Hickory Pine : ہکوری صنوبر , Ellipse : بیضوی شکل , Sphere : کرہ , Ovate : انڈے جیسا , Obovate : معکوس بیضوی , Lancelike : نیزہ کی طرح , Crescent : ہلال , Part : ٹکڑا , Creation : تخلیق , Plaything : کھلونا , Product : تیار کردہ چیز , Fragment : مٹی کے برتن کا ٹکڑا , Abrading Stone : گھسائی کا پتھر , Way : رستہ , Cloth : لباس , Component : جز , Ceramic : ظروف , Surface : سطح , Shaped : صورت نما , Die : سانچے سے ڈھالنا , Coiling : لپٹا ہوا
Useful Words Definitions
Snuffer: a cone-shaped implement with a handle; for extinguishing candles.
Keratoconus: abnormal cone-shaped protrusion of the cornea of the eye; can be treated by epikeratophakia.
Haycock: a small cone-shaped pile of hay that has been left in the field until it is dry enough to carry to the hayrick.
Megaphone: a cone-shaped acoustic device held to the mouth to intensify and direct the human voice.
Ommatidium: any of the numerous small cone-shaped eyes that make up the compound eyes of some arthropods.
Pineal: having the form of a pine cone.
Cone-Shaped: relating to or resembling a cone.
Air Sock: a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast; used (e.g., at airports) to show the direction of the wind.
Abies Bracteata: a pyramidal fir of southwestern California having spiny pointed leaves and cone scales with long spines.
Apophysis: (botany) a natural swelling or enlargement: at the base of the stalk or seta in certain mosses or on the cone scale of certain conifers.
Hickory Pine: a small two-needled upland pine of the eastern United States (Appalachians) having dark brown flaking bark and thorn-tipped cone scales.
Ellipse: a closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it.
Sphere: any spherically shaped artifact.
Ovate: of a leaf shape; egg-shaped with the broader end at the base.
Obovate: (of a leaf shape) egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base.
Lancelike: (of a leaf shape) shaped like a lance head; narrow and tapering to a pointed apex.
Crescent: any shape resembling the curved shape of the moon in its first or last quarters.
Part: something less than the whole of a human artifact.
Creation: an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone.
Plaything: an artifact designed to be played with.
Product: an artifact that has been created by someone or some process.
Fragment: a broken piece of a brittle artifact.
Abrading Stone: a primitive stone artifact (usually made of sandstone) used as an abrader.
Way: any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another.
Cloth: artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers.
Component: an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system.
Ceramic: an artifact made of hard brittle material produced from nonmetallic minerals by firing at high temperatures.
Surface: the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary.
Shaped: having the shape of.
Die: cut or shape with a die.
Coiling: in the shape of a coil.
Related Words
Artefact : مصنوعہ , Horsetail : سدا بہار جڑی بوٹی , Club Moss : کلب موس بغیر پہولوں کا سدا بہار پودا , Funnel : قیف
Cone in Book Titles
Text Book Of 3-D Sphere, Cone And Cylinder.
Elements of conic sections deduced from the cone.
Cone Penetration Testing.