Congenator Congelation Congee Congealment Congealed Congeal Conge Confuter Congener Congeneric Congenerical Congenerous Congenial Congeniality Congenialness Congenital Congenital Disease Congenital Mega... Conger Conger Eel

Congener meaning in Urdu

Congener Sentence

Lard was also used, though its congener, butter, was more frequently employed.

Congener Synonyms


Congener Definitions

1 of 2) Congener, Congenator, Congeneric, Relative : ہم جنس : (noun) an animal or plant that bears a relationship to another (as related by common descent or by membership in the same genus).

2 of 2) Congener : ہم قسم : (noun) a whole (a thing or person) of the same kind or category as another.

The American shopkeeper differs from his European congener.

Useful Words

Family Ursidae : بھالو اور اس کی معدوم قسم سے متعلق , Genus Hieracium : گیندے جیسا پودا , Parasite : طفیلی دوسرے کے دم پر پلنے والا پودا یا جانور , Human Relationship : تعلق , Manure : زرخیز کرنا , Actinia : سمندری کیڑا , Ruminant : نگلی ہوئی غذا کو دوبارہ چبانے والا جانور , Chickweed : ازخود اگنے والے پھول دار پودے , Allied : جڑا ہوا , Wether : خصی بکرا , Llama : چھوٹے قد کا اونٹ کی طرح جانور , Arabidopsis : ایک قسم کا رائی کا سفوف کی طرز کا پودا پیلے اور اودے پھول والا , Biology : کسی خاص علاقے میں جانور اور پودے کی حیات , Multiply : بچے پیدا کرنا , Broad Bean : چارے کا پودہ , Body : جسم , Alternation Of Generations : پودے کا بدلاو , Hermaphrodite : ذو جنسی , Juice : رس , Actinomyces : جھاڑ جھنکار سے بھری زمین , Whitefly : سفید پر مکھی , Fossil : آثار متحجر , High-Protein Diet : زیادہ پروٹین والی غذا , Soy : سویابین , Plankton : پانی پر تیرتا ہوا نباتات اور جانوروں جمگھٹا , Pasque Flower : ایک قسم کا پہول , Gelatin : جیلی نما مادہ جو مختلف جانوروں سے حاصل کیا جاتا ہے , Common Bean : لوبیا کا پودا , Acicula : حیوان یا پودے کی ریڑھ , Wax : موم , Atomic Number 27 : کوبالٹ

Useful Words Definitions

Family Ursidae: bears and extinct related forms.

Genus Hieracium: large genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America; few are ornamental; often considered congeneric with Pilosella.

Parasite: an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant); it obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the host.

Human Relationship: a relation between people; (`relationship` is often used where `relation` would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment`, but the preferred usage of `relationship` is for human relations or states of relatedness).

Manure: any animal or plant material used to fertilize land especially animal excreta usually with litter material.

Actinia: any sea anemone or related animal.

Ruminant: related to or characteristic of animals of the suborder Ruminantia or any other animal that chews a cud.

Chickweed: any of various plants related to the common chickweed.

Allied: related by common characteristics or ancestry.

Wether: male sheep especially a castrated one, castration is the process of removing the testicles of a male animal, which renders the animal incapable of reproduction and reduces certain hormone-related behaviors. Wethers are commonly raised for meat production or as companion animals. They are generally docile and easier to handle compared to intact rams, making them suitable for various purposes, including grazing, weed control, or as pets.

Llama: wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump.

Arabidopsis: a genus of the mustard family having white or yellow or purplish flowers; closely related to genus Arabis.

Biology: all the plant and animal life of a particular region.

Multiply: have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant.

Broad Bean: a bean plant cultivated for use animal fodder.

Body: the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being).

Alternation Of Generations: the alternation of two or more different forms in the life cycle of a plant or animal.

Hermaphrodite: of animal or plant; having both male female reproductive organs.

Juice: the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue by squeezing or cooking.

Actinomyces: soil-inhabiting saprophytes and disease-producing plant and animal parasites.

Whitefly: minute insect that feeds on plant juices; related to scale insects.

Fossil: the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from the soil.

High-Protein Diet: a diet high in plant and animal proteins; used to treat malnutrition or to increase muscle mass.

Soy: the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known; the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein).

Plankton: the aggregate of small plant and animal organisms that float or drift in great numbers in fresh or salt water.

Pasque Flower: any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone.

Gelatin: gelatin is a protein obtained by boiling animal skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones with water. It is used in food production to thicken or gel liquids and is a common ingredient in desserts.

Common Bean: the common annual twining or bushy bean plant grown for its edible seeds or pods.

Acicula: a needlelike part or structure of a plant or animal or crystal; as a spine or bristle or crystal.

Wax: any of various substances of either mineral origin or plant or animal origin; they are solid at normal temperatures and insoluble in water.

Atomic Number 27: a hard ferromagnetic silver-white bivalent or trivalent metallic element; a trace element in plant and animal nutrition.

Related Words

Unit : وحدت , Being : ہستی
