Cooke meaning in Urdu
Cooke Synonyms
Cooke Definitions
1 of 2) Cooke, Alfred Alistair Cooke, Alistair Cooke : کوک امریکی صحافی : (noun) United States journalist (born in England in 1908).
2 of 2) Cooke, Jay Cooke : امریکی سرمایہ کار : (noun) United States financier who marketed Union bonds to finance the American Civil War; the failure of his bank resulted in a financial panic in 1873 (1821-1905).
Useful Words
Braun : امریکی راکٹ انجینئر , De Bakey : امریکی ماہر قلب , Auden : امریکی شاعر , Charles Laughton : امریکی اداکار , Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel : امریکی مسخرہ , C. Vann Woodward : امریکی تاریخ دان , Greeley : امریکی صحافی گریلے , Bill Gates : بل گیٹس , Herman Wouk : امریکی مصنف , George Lucas : امریکی فلم ساز , Dutch Leonard : امریکی تجسس خیز کہانیوں کا مصنف , Horne : امریکی فنکار , Ailey : امریکی رقص گر , Jacques Loeb : امریکی فعلیات دان جو جرمنی میں پیدا ہوا , John Singer Sargent : سارجینٹ , Baraka : براکا امریکی مصنف , Maxim : مشین گن ایجاد کرنے والا , Aimee Semple Mcpherson : امریکی پادری , Aaron : امریکی بیس بال کھلاڑی , A. Noam Chomsky : امریکی لغت دان , Hideyo Noguchi : نوگوچی ماہر جرثومیات , Jackson : مائیکل جیکسن , Friedman : امریکی ماہر معاشیات , Epstein : برطانوی مجسمہ ساز , Homer A. Thompson : امریکی ماہر آثار قدیمہ , Erik Weisz : امریکی جادو گر , Astor : برطانوی سیاست دان , Agassiz : امریکی محقق , A. A. Michelson : امریکی ماہر طبعیات , Heinrich Engelhard Steinway : امریکی پیانو ساز , Afspc : امریکی فضائی کمان
Useful Words Definitions
Braun: United States rocket engineer (born in Germany where he designed a missile used against England); he led the United States Army team that put the first American satellite into space (1912-1977).
De Bakey: United States heart surgeon who in 1966 implanted the first artificial heart in a human patient (born in 1908).
Auden: United States poet (born in England) (1907-1973).
Charles Laughton: United States film actor (born in England) (1899-1962).
Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel: United States slapstick comedian (born in England) who played the scatterbrained and often tearful member of the Laurel and Hardy duo who made many films (1890-1965).
C. Vann Woodward: United States historian (1908-1999).
Greeley: United States journalist with political ambitions (1811-1872).
Bill Gates: United States computer entrepreneur whose software company made him the youngest multi-billionaire in the history of the United States (born in 1955).
Herman Wouk: United States writer (born in 1915).
George Lucas: United States screenwriter and filmmaker (born in 1944).
Dutch Leonard: United States writer of thrillers (born in 1925).
Horne: United States operatic mezzo-soprano (born 1934).
Ailey: United States choreographer noted for his use of African elements (born in 1931).
Jacques Loeb: United States physiologist (born in Germany) who did research on parthenogenesis (1859-1924).
John Singer Sargent: United States painter (born in Italy) known for his society portraits (1856-1925).
Baraka: United States writer of poems and plays about racial conflict (born in 1934).
Maxim: English inventor (born in the United States) who invented the Maxim gun that was used in World War I (1840-1916).
Aimee Semple Mcpherson: United States evangelist (born in Canada) noted for her extravagant religious services (1890-1944).
Aaron: United States professional baseball player who hit more home runs than Babe Ruth (born in 1934).
A. Noam Chomsky: United States linguist whose theory of generative grammar redefined the field of linguistics (born 1928).
Hideyo Noguchi: United States bacteriologist (born in Japan) who discovered the cause of yellow fever and syphilis (1876-1928).
Jackson: United States singer who began singing with his four brothers and later became a highly successful star during the 1980s (born in 1958).
Friedman: United States economist noted as a proponent of monetarism and for his opposition to government intervention in the economy (born in 1912).
Epstein: British sculptor (born in the United States) noted for busts and large controversial works (1880-1959).
Homer A. Thompson: United States classical archaeologist (born in Canada) noted for leading the excavation of the Athenian agora (1906-2000).
Erik Weisz: United States magician (born in Hungary) famous for his ability to escape from chains or handcuffs or straitjackets or padlocked containers (1874-1926).
Astor: British politician (born in the United States) who was the first woman to sit in the British House of Commons (1879-1964).
Agassiz: United States naturalist (born in Switzerland) who studied fossil fish; recognized geological evidence that ice ages had occurred in North America (1807-1873).
A. A. Michelson: United States physicist (born in Germany) who collaborated with Morley in the Michelson-Morley experiment (1852-1931).
Heinrich Engelhard Steinway: United States piano maker (born in Germany) who founded a famous piano manufacturing firm in New York (1797-1871).
Afspc: a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible for defending the United States through its space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations.
Related Words
England : برطانیہ , Financier : سرمایہ کار , Journalist : صحافی