Creaky meaning in Urdu
Creaky Sentences
Creaky Synonyms
Creaky Definitions
1 of 2) Creaky, Decrepit, Derelict, Flea-Bitten, Run-Down, Woebegone : خستہ حال, شکستہ, چرمر : (satellite adjective) worn and broken down by hard use.
2 of 2) Creaky, Arthritic, Rheumatic, Rheumatoid, Rheumy : جوڑوں کے درد سے متعلق : (satellite adjective) of or pertaining to arthritis.
Useful Words
Pest : طاعون , Endemic Typhus : ایک قسم کا شدید انفیکشن جس میں بخار اور ٹھنڈ لگتی ہے , Farthingale : ایک قسم کا لباس یورپی عورتوں کا , Pyrene : پھلوں کے اندر پائی جانے والی گٹھلی , Frangible : ٹوٹ جانے والا , Fragment : ٹوٹا ہوا ٹکڑا , Bit : ٹکڑا , Breakable : ٹوٹ جانے کے قابل , Brittleness : نزاکت , Delicate : نازک , Bronc : اڑیل گہوڑا , Fragment : مٹی کے برتن کا ٹکڑا , Macadam : سڑک بنانے میں استعمال ہونے والے پھتر , Splinter Group : ٹوٹا ہوا گروہ , Road Metal : بجری ریت وغیرہ , Bushel : ٹھیک کرنا , Crumbly : بھربھرا , Dog's-Tooth Check : دانت والے خانے , Berg : برفانی تودہ , Broken : خراب , Macadam : سڑک بنانے والا مسالا , White Horse : سمندر کی جھاگ والی لہر , Homogenized Milk : بالائی ملا دودھ , Splint : ایک یا زیادہ کھپچیاں لگا کر کسی شے کو سہارا دینا , Bran : بہوسی , Replace : ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ رکھنا , Debris : تباہ شدہ چیز کی باقیات , Tarmac : تارکول , Spall : ٹکڑے ٹکڑے کرنا , Compound Fracture : وہ فریکچر جس میں ہڈی ٹوٹ کر گوشت سے باہر آجاتی ہے , Boxers : چڈی
Useful Words Definitions
Pest: a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal.
Endemic Typhus: acute infection caused by rickettsia and transmitted by the bite of an infected flea; characterized by fever and chills and muscle aches and a rash.
Farthingale: a hoop worn beneath a skirt to extend it horizontally; worn by European women in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Pyrene: the small hard nutlet of a drupe or drupelet; the seed and the hard endocarp that surrounds it.
Frangible: capable of being broken.
Fragment: a piece broken off or cut off of something else.
Bit: a small fragment of something broken off from the whole.
Breakable: capable of being broken or damaged.
Brittleness: firm but easily broken.
Delicate: easily broken or damaged or destroyed.
Bronc: an unbroken or imperfectly broken mustang.
Fragment: a broken piece of a brittle artifact.
Macadam: broken stone used in macadamized roadways.
Splinter Group: a faction or sect that has broken away from its parent organization.
Road Metal: broken rock used for repairing or making roads.
Bushel: restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken.
Crumbly: easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder.
Dog's-Tooth Check: textile with a pattern of small broken or jagged checks.
Berg: a large mass of ice floating at sea; usually broken off of a polar glacier.
Broken: out of working order (`busted` is an informal substitute for `broken`).
Macadam: a paved surface having compressed layers of broken rocks held together with tar.
White Horse: a wave that is blown by the wind so its crest is broken and appears white.
Homogenized Milk: milk with the fat particles broken up and dispersed uniformly so the cream will not rise.
Splint: an orthopedic mechanical device used to immobilize and protect a part of the body (as a broken leg).
Bran: broken husks of the seeds of cereal grains that are separated from the flour by sifting.
Replace: substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected).
Debris: it refers to scattered fragments, wreckage, or remains of something broken, destroyed, or discarded. It often includes various types of material and objects in a state of disarray or disorder.
Tarmac: a paving material of tar and broken stone; mixed in a factory and shaped during paving.
Spall: a fragment broken off from the edge or face of stone or ore and having at least one thin edge.
Compound Fracture: A "compound fracture" occurs when a broken bone penetrates the skin, resulting in an open wound. This condition is also referred to as an open fracture.
Boxers: underpants worn by men.
Related Words
Unhealthy : غیر صحت بخش , Worn : فرسودہ